Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 Download \/\/FREE\\\\


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How to Download and Use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are interested in reverse engineering, disassembling and debugging Windows programs, you may have heard of Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93. This is a powerful tool that can translate machine language back into assembly language, allowing you to see how the code works and modify it if you want. In this article, we will show you how to download and use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 in a few easy steps.

Step 1: Download Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93

The first thing you need to do is to download Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 from a reliable source. You can find it on various websites, such as Softpedia, FileHorse or Archive.org. Make sure you download the latest version, which is 8.93, and avoid any fake or malicious downloads.

Step 2: Extract and Run Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93

After you have downloaded Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93, you need to extract it from the ZIP file using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will get a folder with the executable file and some other files. You don’t need to install Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93, you can just run it by double-clicking on the Win32dasm.exe file.

Step 3: Open a File to Disassemble

Once you have launched Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93, you will see a simple interface with a menu bar and a toolbar. To open a file to disassemble, you can either click on the File menu and select Open or click on the Open button on the toolbar. You can then browse your computer and select the file you want to disassemble. Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 supports various file formats, such as .exe, .386, .com, .cpl, .dll, .drv, .fon, .mpd, .ocx, .vbx and .vxd.

Step 4: View the Disassembly

After you have opened a file to disassemble, Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 will start analyzing it and show you the disassembly in the main window. You will see the assembly code on the left side and the hexadecimal code on the right side. You can also see the offsets, opcodes and operands of each instruction. You can scroll up and down to view different parts of the code.

Step 5: Use the Features of Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93

Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 has many features that can help you understand and manipulate the code better. For example, you can:

  • Search for text or data in the disassembly using the Edit menu or the Search button.
  • Set breakpoints and debug the code using the Debug menu or the Debug button.
  • View the functions imported and exported by the file using the View menu or the Imports/Exports buttons.
  • Execute jumps and calls using the Go menu or the Jump/Call buttons.
  • Examine data objects and segments using the View menu or the Hexadecimal Display button.

You can also save your disassembly as a text file or a project file using the File menu or the Save button.

Step 6: Modify the Code (Optional)

If you want to modify the code of the file you have disassembled, you can use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 to edit the assembly instructions and save the changes. To do this, you need to:

  • Select the instruction you want to edit and right-click on it. You will see a menu with options such as Edit Instruction, Edit Operand, Edit Opcode, and Edit Comment.
  • Choose the option you want and make the changes you want. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts F2, F3, F4, and F5 for these options.
  • After you have edited the instruction, you will see an asterisk (*) next to it, indicating that it has been modified.
  • Repeat this process for any other instructions you want to edit.
  • When you are done editing, click on the File menu and select Save As. You can then choose a name and a location for the modified file.

Note that modifying the code may cause errors or crashes in the file, so make sure you know what you are doing and backup the original file before editing.

Step 7: Debug the Code (Optional)

If you want to debug the code of the file you have disassembled, you can use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 to run the code and monitor its behavior. To do this, you need to:

  • Click on the Debug menu and select Attach Active Process. You will see a list of processes running on your computer. Choose the one that corresponds to the file you have disassembled and click OK.
  • Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 will load the disassembled code into the process and pause it. You will see a yellow arrow pointing to the current instruction.
  • You can use the Debug menu or the toolbar buttons to control the execution of the code. For example, you can use Run, Step Over, Step Into, Step Out, Run To Cursor, and Break.
  • You can also use the Debug menu or the toolbar buttons to set breakpoints, watch variables, view registers, view memory, view stack, and view threads.
  • When you are done debugging, click on the Debug menu and select Detach Process.

Note that debugging the code may cause errors or crashes in the file or your system, so make sure you know what you are doing and backup your files before debugging.

Step 8: Crack the Code (Optional)

If you want to crack the code of the file you have disassembled, you can use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 to bypass any protection or registration mechanisms and make the file work without any limitations. To do this, you need to:

  • Find the code that checks for the protection or registration and identify the instruction that causes the program to exit or display an error message if the check fails.
  • Edit the instruction and change it to a NOP (no operation) instruction, which does nothing and allows the program to continue. You can do this by right-clicking on the instruction and selecting Edit Instruction. Then type NOP and press Enter.
  • Save the modified file as a new file using the File menu or the Save As button.
  • Run the new file and enjoy the cracked program.

Note that cracking the code may be illegal or unethical depending on the file and your purpose, so make sure you respect the rights of the original developers and use the cracked file for educational purposes only.

Step 9: Reverse Engineer the Code (Optional)

If you want to reverse engineer the code of the file you have disassembled, you can use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 to understand the logic and functionality of the program and recreate it in a higher-level programming language. To do this, you need to:

  • Analyze the disassembly and identify the main functions and variables of the program. You can use the Imports/Exports buttons to view the functions imported and exported by the file, and the Hexadecimal Display button to view the data objects and segments.
  • Use comments to annotate the disassembly and explain what each instruction does. You can add comments by right-clicking on an instruction and selecting Edit Comment. You can also use labels to name functions and variables by right-clicking on an instruction and selecting Edit Label.
  • Choose a higher-level programming language that suits your needs and preferences, such as C, C++, Python, Java, etc. You can use online resources or books to learn the syntax and features of the language.
  • Write a new program in the chosen language that mimics the behavior of the original program. You can use the disassembly as a reference, but you don’t have to copy it exactly. You can use different data structures, control structures, libraries, etc. as long as they achieve the same result.
  • Compile and run your new program and test it for functionality and accuracy. You can compare it with the original program and see if they produce the same output or perform the same task.

Note that reverse engineering the code may be difficult or time-consuming depending on the complexity of the program and your programming skills, so make sure you have enough patience and motivation to complete this task.

Step 10: Learn More About Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 (Optional)

If you want to learn more about Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 and its features, you can use the following resources:

  • The Help menu of the program, which contains a user manual and a tutorial.
  • The official website of URsoftware, which provides information and updates about the program and other products.
  • The online forums and blogs of reverse engineering enthusiasts, which share tips and tricks, examples and challenges, and feedback and support for the program and its users.

Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you disassemble, debug, modify, and reverse engineer Windows programs. It can also help you learn more about assembly language and machine code, and improve your programming skills. Whether you use it for educational or professional purposes, Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 can be a valuable addition to your software collection.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93, a program that can disassemble, debug, modify, and reverse engineer Windows programs. We have also provided some resources for learning more about the program and its features. We hope you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us.

Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 is not the only program that can disassemble and reverse engineer Windows programs. There are other alternatives that you can try, such as IDA Pro, OllyDbg, Ghidra, Radare2, and x64dbg. Each of these programs has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you may prefer one over another depending on your needs and preferences. You can compare them and see which one suits you best.

Disassembling and reverse engineering Windows programs can be a fun and rewarding activity, but it can also be risky and illegal in some cases. You should always respect the rights and wishes of the original developers and use the disassembled code for educational purposes only. You should also be careful not to damage or corrupt your system or files when using Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 or any other program. You should always backup your files before editing or debugging them.

Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 is a program that can help you learn more about how Windows programs work and how to create your own programs. It can also help you improve your programming skills and knowledge of assembly language and machine code. Whether you use it for educational or professional purposes, Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93 can be a valuable addition to your software collection.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and use Ursoft W32dasm Ver 8.93, a program that can disassemble, debug, modify, and reverse engineer Windows programs. We have also provided some resources for learning more about the program and its features. We have also discussed some alternatives and precautions for using the program. We hope you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us.



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