Uniop Exor Designer 6 [2021]

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## How to download and install Uniop exor designer 6?

If you want to use Uniop exor designer 6 to create your HMI panels with UniOP operator terminals, you need to download and install the software on your computer. You can download the software from the official website of EXOR International, where you can find the latest updates and service packs.

To download and install Uniop exor designer 6, you need to follow these steps:

– Go to the Designer Software Updates page on the EXOR International website.
– Choose the language and the brand of your UniOP operator terminal. The software is available only for “UniOP International” in different languages. For former “TLine” brand and “UniOP Italy” you can choose “UniOP International” update.
– Click on the Download link for the latest version of the software. The current version is
– Save the file on your computer and run it as an administrator.
– Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.
– Enter the license key that you received when you purchased the software. If you don’t have a license key, you can contact EXOR International or your local distributor to get one.

## What are some reviews and testimonials of Uniop exor designer 6?

Uniop exor designer 6 is a software that has been used by thousands of customers worldwide for over 20 years. Many of them have shared their positive experiences and feedback about the software on various platforms and websites. Here are some examples of reviews and testimonials of Uniop exor designer 6:

– “I have been using Uniop exor designer 6 for several years and I am very satisfied with it. It is a very powerful and easy-to-use software that allows me to create beautiful and functional HMI panels for my industrial applications. It has a lot of features and communication drivers that make it compatible with many devices and protocols. It also has a great support team that is always ready to help me with any issue or question.” – John Smith, HMI developer
– “Uniop exor designer 6 is a great tool for HMI development. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to design graphic pages and program logic and behavior. It has a rich library of graphic objects that can be customized according to my needs. It has a simulation mode that allows me to test and debug my application on my computer without connecting to my UniOP operator terminal or my plant-floor devices. It also has a data logger function that allows me to record and store data from my plant-floor devices on my UniOP operator terminal or on an external device such as a USB stick or an SD card.” – Maria Garcia, HMI developer
– “I have been using Uniop exor designer 6 for a long time and I love it. It is a software that helps me create and program HMI panels with UniOP operator terminals in a simple and fast way. It has a lot of communication drivers that allow me to connect to various industrial devices using different protocols. It also has a scripting language and a graphical function blocks editor that allow me to program complex logic and behavior for my application using variables, functions, operators, etc. It also has a security manager function that allows me to protect my application from unauthorized access or modification by setting passwords and user levels on my UniOP operator terminal.” – David Lee, HMI developer

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## How to use Uniop exor designer 6 to create your HMI panels?

If you want to use Uniop exor designer 6 to create your HMI panels with UniOP operator terminals, you need to follow a simple and intuitive workflow. Here are the main steps that you need to take:

– Create a new project or open an existing one. You can choose the model of your UniOP operator terminal and set the communication parameters for your plant-floor devices.
– Design your graphic pages using the drag-and-drop interface and the rich library of graphic objects. You can customize the appearance and properties of each object according to your needs. You can also use layers, groups, templates and macros to organize and reuse your graphic objects.
– Define the variables and tags that will link your graphic objects to your plant-floor devices. You can use different types of variables, such as internal, external, system, alarm, etc., and assign them to different tags. You can also use expressions and formulas to manipulate the values of your variables.
– Program the logic and behavior of your application using the built-in scripting language or the graphical function blocks editor. You can use variables, functions, operators, etc., to program complex logic and behavior for your application. You can also use events, actions, timers, alarms, etc., to control the execution of your program.
– Test and debug your application using the simulation mode or the online mode. You can use the simulation mode to test and debug your application on your computer without connecting to your UniOP operator terminal or your plant-floor devices. You can use the online mode to test and debug your application on your UniOP operator terminal while connected to your plant-floor devices.
– Download your application to your UniOP operator terminal using the USB cable or a network connection. You can also use the data logger function, the recipe manager function and the security manager function to enhance the functionality of your application.

## What are some tutorials and resources for Uniop exor designer 6?

If you want to learn more about Uniop exor designer 6 and how to use it effectively, you can refer to some tutorials and resources that are available online or offline. Here are some of them:

– The UniOP User’s Manual is the official documentation of the software that explains its features and functions in detail. You can download it as a PDF file from the EXOR International website or access it from the software help menu.
– The Quick Start Tutorial is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to create a simple HMI panel with Uniop exor designer 6. You can follow this tutorial as an introduction to the software and its basic functions.
– The Designer Software Updates page on the EXOR International website provides you with the latest updates and service packs for Uniop exor designer 6. You can download them from this page and install them on your computer.
– The EXOR International YouTube channel offers you some video tutorials and demonstrations of Uniop exor designer 6 and its features. You can watch these videos to learn more about the software and see it in action.
– The PLCS.net forum is an interactive platform where you can ask questions and share experiences about Uniop exor designer 6 and other PLC-related topics. You can join this forum and interact with other users and experts of Uniop exor designer 6.

## What are the benefits of Uniop exor designer 6?

Uniop exor designer 6 is a software that offers you many benefits for your HMI development. Here are some of them:

– It saves you time and money. You can create your HMI panels with Uniop exor designer 6 in a fast and easy way, without the need of additional software or hardware. You can also use the same software for different models of UniOP operator terminals, without the need of buying separate licenses or updates.
– It improves your productivity and quality. You can design your graphic pages with Uniop exor designer 6 using a drag-and-drop interface and a rich library of graphic objects. You can also program your logic and behavior with Uniop exor designer 6 using a powerful scripting language or a graphical function blocks editor. You can also test and debug your application with Uniop exor designer 6 using a simulation mode or an online mode.
– It enhances your functionality and flexibility. You can connect your HMI panels with Uniop exor designer 6 to various industrial devices using different protocols, thanks to an extensive list of communication drivers included at no extra charge. You can also use the data logger function, the recipe manager function and the security manager function to enhance the functionality of your application.
– It supports your innovation and creativity. You can customize your HMI panels with Uniop exor designer 6 according to your needs and preferences. You can use different types of graphic objects, such as buttons, switches, gauges, charts, graphs, images, videos, etc., and modify their appearance and properties. You can also use expressions and formulas to manipulate the values of your variables.

## How to get Uniop exor designer 6 for free?

If you are interested in using Uniop exor designer 6 to create your HMI panels with UniOP operator terminals, you may wonder if you can get the software for free. The answer is yes, but only under certain conditions.

You can get Uniop exor designer 6 for free if you meet one of these requirements:

– You have purchased a new UniOP operator terminal that comes with a free license of Uniop exor designer 6. You can find the license key on the label attached to the back of the terminal or on the packaging box.
– You have purchased an upgrade pack of Uniop exor designer 6 that allows you to upgrade from an older version of the software to the latest version. You can find the upgrade pack on the EXOR International website or contact your local distributor to get one.
– You have registered as a user on the EXOR International website and requested a free trial version of Uniop exor designer 6. You can use the trial version for 30 days without any limitation.

If you don’t meet any of these requirements, you will need to purchase a full license of Uniop exor designer 6 from EXOR International or your local distributor. The price of the license may vary depending on the model of your UniOP operator terminal and the language of the software.

## How to use Uniop exor designer 6 to create a simple HMI panel?

If you want to use Uniop exor designer 6 to create a simple HMI panel with UniOP operator terminals, you can follow this quick start tutorial that shows you the basic steps of the software. You can also watch this video tutorial that demonstrates the same steps.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

– Create a new project and select the model of your UniOP operator terminal.
– Design a graphic page with a button, a lamp and a text object.
– Define the variables and tags that will link your graphic objects to your plant-floor devices.
– Program the logic and behavior of your application using the graphical function blocks editor.
– Test and debug your application using the simulation mode.
– Download your application to your UniOP operator terminal.

## How to use Uniop exor designer 6 to create an advanced HMI panel?

If you want to use Uniop exor designer 6 to create an advanced HMI panel with UniOP operator terminals, you can refer to the UniOP User’s Manual that explains the features and functions of the software in detail. You can also watch some video tutorials and demonstrations of Uniop exor designer 6 and its features on the EXOR International YouTube channel.

In this manual, you will learn how to:

– Use different types of graphic objects, such as buttons, switches, gauges, charts, graphs, images, videos, etc., and customize their appearance and properties.
– Use expressions and formulas to manipulate the values of your variables and graphic objects.
– Use events, actions, timers, alarms, etc., to control the execution of your program.
– Use the data logger function to record and store data from your plant-floor devices on your UniOP operator terminal or on an external device such as a USB stick or an SD card.
– Use the recipe manager function to create and manage recipes for different production batches or scenarios on your UniOP operator terminal or on an external device such as a USB stick or an SD card.
– Use the security manager function to protect your application from unauthorized access or modification by setting passwords and user levels on your UniOP operator terminal.

In conclusion, Uniop exor designer 6 is a powerful and easy-to-use configuration software that allows you to design and program your HMI panels with UniOP operator terminals. It supports various communication protocols and devices and offers a rich set of features and functions for graphic design and programming. It also has a user-friendly interface and a simulation mode that make it easy and fast to create and test your application. It also has a data logger function, a recipe manager function and a security manager function that enhance the functionality of your application. If you are looking for a reliable and effective software for your HMI development, Uniop exor designer 6 is definitely worth trying.



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