Plegarias Por Bobby Libro Pdf Download

Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF Download: A Guide for Readers

If you are looking for a book that can touch your heart and inspire you to be more compassionate and tolerant, you might want to read Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF. This book is based on a true story of a young gay man who committed suicide after being rejected by his religious family and community. The book also tells the story of his mother, who transformed her grief and guilt into a crusade for gay rights and acceptance. In this article, we will show you how to download Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF for free, what are the main themes and messages of the book, and what are the reviews and opinions of other readers.

How to Download Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF for Free?

To download Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF for free, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website and click on the download options button.
  2. Select the PDF format and save the file on your computer or device.
  3. Open the file and enjoy reading Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF.

You can also watch the movie adaptation of the book, titled Prayers for Bobby, on the same website. The movie stars Sigourney Weaver as the mother of Bobby Griffith, and Ryan Kelley as Bobby himself. The movie was released in 2009 and received several awards and nominations, including an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or Movie for Weaver.

What are the Main Themes and Messages of Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF?

Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF is a book that explores the topics of homosexuality, religion, family, suicide, and activism. The book is based on the real-life story of Bobby Griffith, who was born in 1963 in a conservative Christian family in Walnut Creek, California. Bobby realized he was gay when he was a teenager, but he faced rejection and condemnation from his family, especially his mother Mary, who believed that homosexuality was a sin and an abomination. Bobby tried to change his sexual orientation through prayer, therapy, and dating girls, but he only felt more depressed and hopeless. He also faced harassment and bullying at school and in his community. In 1983, at the age of 20, Bobby jumped off a bridge and killed himself.

The book also tells the story of Mary Griffith, who blamed herself for her son’s death and suffered from guilt and depression. She started to question her faith and her views on homosexuality, and she began to research and learn more about the subject. She also joined a support group for parents of gay children, where she met other people who had similar experiences. She realized that she had been wrong about her son and that she had failed to love him unconditionally. She decided to honor his memory by becoming an advocate for gay rights and acceptance. She spoke at churches, schools, and public events, sharing her story and urging people to be more compassionate and tolerant towards gay people. She also wrote a letter to the editor of The Advocate, a gay magazine, expressing her regret and sorrow for her son’s death.

The main themes and messages of Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF are:

  • Homosexuality is not a choice or a disease, but a natural variation of human sexuality.
  • Religion should not be used as a tool to oppress or judge others, but as a source of love and peace.
  • Family is not defined by blood or beliefs, but by love and support.
  • Suicide is not a solution or an escape, but a tragedy that can be prevented by understanding and compassion.
  • Activism is not a threat or a rebellion, but a way of making positive changes in the world.

What are the Reviews and Opinions of Other Readers?

Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF has received many positive reviews and opinions from other readers who have read it. Here are some of them:

  • “This book is very moving and powerful. It shows how ignorance and intolerance can destroy lives and families. It also shows how love and forgiveness can heal wounds and create hope. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about homosexuality and religion.” – Maria
  • “This book is very inspiring and eye-opening. It made me cry and think a lot. It made me realize how important it is to accept people for who they are and not for what they do or believe. It also made me appreciate my family more and respect their choices. I think this book should be read by everyone.” – Carlos
  • “This book is very informative and educational. It provides facts and statistics about homosexuality and suicide among young people. It also provides resources and advice for parents and educators who want to help gay children. It also gives a voice to gay people who suffer from discrimination and violence. I think this book is very useful.” – Ana

Who is the Author of Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF?

Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF is a book written by Leroy Aarons, an American journalist, author, and activist. He was born in 1933 in Bronx, New York, and graduated from Brown University and Columbia University. He worked as a reporter and editor for several newspapers and magazines, such as The Washington Post, The Oakland Tribune, Newsweek, and The National Observer. He also founded the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) in 1990, which is an organization that promotes fair and accurate coverage of LGBT issues in the media.

Aarons wrote Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF in 1995, after he interviewed Mary Griffith, the mother of Bobby Griffith. He was moved by her story and decided to write a book about it. He also collaborated with the producers of the movie adaptation of the book, Prayers for Bobby, which was released in 2009. Aarons died in 2004 at the age of 70, after a long battle with cancer.

Aarons was also the author of other books, such as Prayers for Bobby: A Mother’s Coming to Terms with the Suicide of Her Gay Son (1995), which is the original English version of Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF; As Time Goes By (1996), which is a novel about a gay journalist who investigates a murder case; and Troy (2000), which is a historical novel about the Trojan War.

What is the Summary of Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF?

Plegarias por Bobby Libro PDF is a book that summarizes the life and death of Bobby Griffith, a young gay man who committed suicide in 1983 after being rejected by his religious family and community. The book also chronicles the journey of his mother, Mary Griffith, who transformed her grief and guilt into a crusade for gay rights and acceptance. The book is divided into three parts:

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