Plague Inc Apk Full PATCHED Ios


Plague Inc. Apk Full Ios: How to Download and Play the Ultimate Pandemic Simulator

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create and spread a deadly disease that wipes out humanity? If so, you might want to check out Plague Inc., a strategy simulation game that lets you do just that.

Plague Inc. is one of the most popular games on the App Store, with over 160 million downloads worldwide. It is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation, where you control a pathogen that has infected patient zero. Your goal is to evolve your plague and adapt to various environments, while avoiding detection and cure efforts by humans.

Plague Inc. offers a variety of game modes and disease types to choose from, each with their own challenges and strategies. You can unleash a virus, a bacterium, a fungus, a parasite, a prion, a nano-virus, or a bio-weapon on the world, or try some special scenarios like the zombie-producing Necroa Virus, the mind-controlling Neurax Worm, or the alien Simian Flu.

But how can you download Plague Inc. apk full ios for free? And how can you play it on your iPhone or iPad? In this article, we will show you how to do both, as well as give you some tips and tricks to master this game.

How to play Plague Inc. on ios devices?

Playing Plague Inc. on ios devices is easy and fun. Here are the basic steps to follow:

Choose a disease type and a starting country

The first thing you need to do is select a disease type from the main menu. Each disease type has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as different ways of evolving and spreading. For example, viruses mutate faster than bacteria, but are harder to control; parasites are less noticeable than fungi, but have lower infectivity; bio-weapons are extremely lethal, but can be cured quickly.

After choosing a disease type, you need to pick a starting country for your plague. This will affect how fast and how far your plague will spread, as well as how humans will react to it. Different countries have different climates, wealth levels, population densities, health systems, research capabilities, and border controls. For example, starting in China will give you access to a large population and many neighboring countries, but also high awareness and resistance; starting in Greenland will give you low visibility and high cold resistance, but also low population and limited access.

Evolve your pathogen and infect the world

Once your plague has infected patient zero, you need to evolve it by spending DNA points that you earn by infecting more people. You can choose from three categories of traits: transmission, symptoms, and abilities.

Transmission traits increase the ways your plague can spread from person to person or from animal to animal. You can make your plague airborne, waterborne, bloodborne, insect-borne, rodent-borne, bird-borne, livestock-borne, or zoonotic (able to cross species barriers). You can also make it more resistant to different environments such as hot, cold, humid, or arid.

Symptoms traits increase the severity and lethality of your plague. You can make your plague cause coughing, sneezing, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, paranoia, seizures, coma, necrosis, hemorrhage, organ failure, and more. Some symptoms also have special effects, such as increasing infectivity, lethality, mutation rate, or cure resistance. You can also combine symptoms to create deadly combos, such as Total Organ Failure + Necrosis + Hemorrhagic Shock.

Abilities traits increase the overall strength and adaptability of your plague. You can make your plague more resistant to drugs, vaccines, genetic hardening, or genetic reshuffling. You can also make your plague harder to detect, analyze, or cure by increasing its stealth, confusion, or aggression. Some abilities also have special functions, such as creating zombie hordes, mind-controlling humans, or forming colonies.

Your objective is to infect and kill every human on the planet before they develop a cure for your plague. You can monitor the progress of your plague and the cure by looking at the world map, the disease overview, and the news headlines. You can also see the statistics of each country and region by tapping on them.

Avoid detection and cure efforts

As you evolve your plague, you will also attract the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other governments and organizations. They will try to detect, identify, and cure your plague by sending research teams, quarantine zones, border closures, air filters, water filters, hazmat suits, and more. They will also try to raise awareness and funding for the cure by holding conferences, rallies, donations, and media campaigns.

You need to avoid detection and cure efforts by balancing your infectivity and lethality. If your plague is too infectious but not lethal enough, it will be detected early and cured quickly. If your plague is too lethal but not infectious enough, it will kill its hosts before spreading to new ones. You also need to adapt to different scenarios and events that may affect your plague’s spread and survival. For example, you may encounter natural disasters, wars, riots, political upheavals, social unrests, or genetic drifts.

You can also sabotage the cure efforts by evolving certain symptoms or abilities that hinder the research or communication of the humans. For example, you can cause paranoia to make people distrust each other and the authorities; you can cause insanity to make people behave irrationally and violently; you can cause dysentery to disrupt the sanitation and hygiene of the population; you can cause anemia to reduce the blood supply for the research; you can cause blindness to impair the vision of the scientists; you can cause tumors to damage the brain function of the leaders; you can cause cysts to burst and spread infection; you can cause abscesses to reduce the mobility of the infected; you can cause hypersensitivity to trigger allergic reactions; you can cause inflammation to cause pain and discomfort; you can cause immune suppression to weaken the immune system of the humans; you can cause hemophilia to increase bleeding and bruising; you can cause internal hemorrhaging to cause organ damage and death; you can cause skin lesions to expose wounds and infections; you can cause necrosis to rot flesh and bones; you can cause gangrene to decay limbs and extremities; you can cause systemic infection to spread infection throughout the body; you can cause septic shock to cause organ failure and death.

Achieve your ultimate goal

Your ultimate goal depends on the game mode and disease type you choose. In the standard game mode, your goal is to kill all humans before they cure your plague. In some special scenarios, your goal may vary depending on the storyline. For example, in the Necroa Virus scenario, your goal is to create a zombie apocalypse and destroy the Z Com bases; in the Neurax Worm scenario, your goal is to enslave all humans with your mind control; in the Simian Flu scenario, your goal is to help the intelligent apes escape and overthrow the humans.

Some disease types also have their own unique goals and abilities. For example, the Nano-Virus has a kill switch that activates the cure research as soon as the game starts, so you need to deactivate it or evolve quickly; the Bio-Weapon has a lethality that increases over time, so you need to keep it under control or unleash it at the right moment; the Necroa Virus can reanimate dead corpses into zombies, so you need to manage your zombie population and combat the human defenses; the Neurax Worm can manipulate human behavior and emotions, so you need to use its special abilities to influence the humans; the Simian Flu can enhance the intelligence and communication of apes, so you need to use its special abilities to help the apes.

Once you achieve your ultimate goal, you will see a victory screen that shows your score, your time, and your stats. You can also compare your results with other players on the leaderboards and achievements.

What are the benefits of playing Plague Inc. apk full ios?

Playing Plague Inc. apk full ios has many benefits over playing the regular version on the App Store. Here are some of them:

Access to all disease types and scenarios

Plague Inc. apk full ios gives you access to all 12 disease types and 25 scenarios that are available in the game, without having to pay for them or unlock them. You can enjoy the full range of gameplay options and challenges that Plague Inc. offers, from creating a realistic pandemic to unleashing a fictional horror.

No ads or in-app purchases

Plague Inc. apk full ios has no ads or in-app purchases that may interrupt or limit your gaming experience. You can play without any distractions or restrictions, and without spending any money.

Enhanced graphics and performance

Plague Inc. apk full ios has enhanced graphics and performance that make the game look better and run smoother on your ios device. You can enjoy the high-quality visuals and animations, as well as the fast loading and processing times.

Offline mode and cloud save

Plague Inc. apk full ios has an offline mode that allows you to play without an internet connection. You can also save your progress on the cloud and sync it across your devices. You can play anytime and anywhere, and never lose your data.

What are some tips and tricks for playing Plague Inc. apk full ios?

Playing Plague Inc. apk full ios can be challenging and rewarding, but also frustrating and addictive. Here are some tips and tricks to help you master this game:

Infect before killing

A common mistake that many players make is evolving lethal symptoms too early in the game. This may seem like a good idea, but it actually backfires in most cases. If you kill too many people before infecting enough of them, you will run out of hosts for your plague and fail to achieve your goal.

A better strategy is to infect as many people as possible before evolving lethal symptoms. This way, you can ensure that your plague spreads to every country and region, and that no one is left alive to cure it. You can also use lethal symptoms as a surprise attack when most of the world is infected, or as a last resort when the cure is close to completion.

Start in an isolated country

Another common mistake that many players make is starting in a populous or wealthy country, such as China or USA. This may seem like a good idea, but it actually makes your game harder in most cases. If you start in a populous or wealthy country, you will face more awareness and resistance from the humans, as well as more competition from other diseases.

A better strategy is to start in an isolated or poor country, such as Greenland or Madagascar. This way, you can avoid detection and cure efforts for longer, as well as take advantage of their low health systems and border controls. You can also use their climate or geography to boost your plague’s resistance or infectivity.

Watch the news and research countries

A useful feature that many players overlook is the news ticker at the bottom of the screen. This feature shows you various headlines and events that are happening around the world, such as natural disasters, wars, riots, political upheavals, social unrests, genetic drifts, etc. These events can affect your plague ‘s spread and survival, as well as the human’s behavior and response. You can use these events to your advantage or disadvantage, depending on your strategy and situation. For example, you can use a natural disaster to increase your infectivity or lethality in a region, or use a war to disrupt the cure research or communication in a country.

Another useful feature that many players overlook is the country information screen. This feature shows you various statistics and data about each country and region, such as population, wealth, climate, health, research, government, etc. These data can help you plan your evolution and transmission, as well as anticipate the human’s reaction and resistance. For example, you can use the population data to target the most populous or dense countries, or use the wealth data to target the richest or poorest countries.

Plan your evolution and use genes wisely

A crucial aspect of playing Plague Inc. apk full ios is planning your evolution and using genes wisely. You need to spend your DNA points carefully and strategically, as well as choose the best genes for your disease type and game mode.

You need to plan your evolution according to your goal, your situation, and your environment. You need to balance your infectivity and lethality, as well as your resistance and stealth. You need to adapt to different climates and regions, as well as different scenarios and events. You need to consider the pros and cons of each trait, as well as the synergies and combos of them.

You also need to use genes wisely to enhance your plague’s performance and potential. You can choose from five categories of genes: DNA, Travel, Evolution, Mutation, and Environment. Each gene has its own effect and benefit, such as increasing DNA gain, increasing infectivity in certain regions, reducing trait cost, increasing mutation rate, or increasing resistance to certain factors. You can unlock more genes by completing more games and achievements.

Try different strategies and challenges

A fun and rewarding part of playing Plague Inc. apk full ios is trying different strategies and challenges. You can experiment with different disease types and scenarios, as well as different difficulty levels and settings. You can also try to achieve different objectives and outcomes, such as infecting everyone without killing anyone, killing everyone without infecting anyone, or creating a new world order.

You can also try to complete various achievements and trophies that are available in the game. These achievements and trophies test your skills and knowledge of the game mechanics and features, as well as challenge you to do something unusual or extraordinary. For example, you can try to beat the game with only one DNA point spent, or with only one country infected; you can try to beat the game with a certain symptom combo or ability combo; you can try to beat the game with a certain name or theme for your plague.


Plague Inc. apk full ios is a great game that combines strategy, simulation, and realism in a captivating and immersive way. It lets you create and spread a deadly disease that wipes out humanity, while avoiding detection and cure efforts by humans. It offers a variety of game modes and disease types to choose from, each with their own challenges and strategies.

Plague Inc. apk full ios also has many benefits over playing the regular version on the App Store. It gives you access to all disease types and scenarios without having to pay for them or unlock them; it has no ads or in-app purchases that may interrupt or limit your gaming experience; it has enhanced graphics and performance that make the game look better and run smoother on your ios device; it has an offline mode and cloud save that allow you to play without an internet connection and sync your progress across your devices.

If you want to download Plague Inc. apk full ios for free, you can follow the link below. You will need to install an apk file on your ios device, which may require some additional steps and permissions. You can also find more information and instructions on how to do this on the same website.

Plague Inc. apk full ios is a game that will challenge your mind and test your morals. It will make you think about the consequences of your actions and the fate of humanity. It will also make you have fun and enjoy the thrill of playing God. So what are you waiting for? Download Plague Inc. apk full ios today and unleash your plague on the world!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Plague Inc. apk full ios:

Is Plague Inc. apk full ios safe to download and play?

Plague Inc. apk full ios is safe to download and play, as long as you get it from a trusted and reliable source. However, you should always be careful when downloading and installing any apk file on your ios device, as some of them may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or steal your data. You should also check the reviews and ratings of the website and the file before downloading it, and scan it with an antivirus software before opening it.

Is Plague Inc. apk full ios legal to download and play?

Plague Inc. apk full ios is not legal to download and play, as it violates the terms and conditions of the original game developer, Ndemic Creations. By downloading and playing Plague Inc. apk full ios, you are infringing on their intellectual property rights and breaking their license agreement. You may also face legal consequences or penalties from them or from the App Store if they find out about your activity.

Is Plague Inc. apk full ios compatible with my ios device?

Plague Inc. apk full ios is compatible with most ios devices that run on ios 9.0 or later. However, some older or lower-end devices may not be able to run the game smoothly or at all, due to their limited hardware or software capabilities. You can check the compatibility of your device by looking at its specifications and comparing them with the minimum requirements of the game.

How can I update Plague Inc. apk full ios?

Plague Inc. apk full ios does not have an automatic update feature, unlike the regular version on the App Store. This means that you will not receive any notifications or prompts when a new version of the game is released by the original game developer, Ndemic Creations. If you want to update Plague Inc. apk full ios, you will need to manually download and install the latest version of the apk file from the same website where you got it from.

How can I contact the developer of Plague Inc. apk full ios?

Plague Inc. apk full ios is not developed by Ndemic Creations, the original game developer of Plague Inc., but by an unknown third-party developer who modified and distributed the game without their permission or authorization. Therefore, you cannot contact the developer of Plague Inc. apk full ios directly, as they do not have an official website or social media account. You can only contact them through the website where you downloaded the apk file from, if they have a contact form or an email address available.


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