Innocent Witches 0.5.1B Game Walkthrough Download [PORTABLE] For PC Android


Innocent Witches 0.5.1B: A Magical Adventure for PC and Android

If you are a fan of fantasy and magic, you might want to check out Innocent Witches 0.5.1B, a game that combines elements of visual novel, RPG and sandbox. In this game, you will play as a young doctor who gets involved in a mysterious story involving the students of Hogwarts, the famous school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is the latest version of the game, which features a new chapter in the second act of the story, two new fullscreen scenes, six collectable photos, three new costumes for Sonya, one of the main characters, and a new location: Hagrid’s Hut. The game also has an enhanced Live2D animation engine that supports more seamless transitions between movements and reduces flickering during scenes.

How to Download and Play Innocent Witches 0.5.1B on PC and Android

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is available for both PC and Android devices. You can download the game from our website or from RENPY ZONE, where you can also find other games of similar genre. To download the game, you will need to extract the zip file using any file manager app or ZArchiver app. After extracting the file, you will find an apk file for Android or an exe file for PC. Simply install the apk file on your Android device or run the exe file on your PC to start playing.

How to Enjoy Innocent Witches 0.5.1B to the Fullest

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is a game that offers a lot of choices and possibilities for the player. You can interact with different characters, explore various locations, learn new spells, collect items, and shape your own destiny. The game also has a sandbox mode that allows you to freely control some aspects of the scenes, such as Hermione’s “Book of Runes” Live2D scene.

To enjoy the game to the fullest, you will need to follow the walkthrough that provides step-by-step instructions for the fastest passage of the main plot. The walkthrough also gives you hints on how to unlock all the scenes and photos in the game. You can also use cheats or mods to enhance your gaming experience, such as increasing your stats or unlocking all content. However, we recommend playing the game without cheats or mods first to appreciate the original story and gameplay.

What is the Story of Innocent Witches 0.5.1B

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is a game that tells a strange and amazing story of a young doctor who was cast into a thunderstorm of events that changed his life. His birth was shrouded in mystery, and his goals were that of a simple man. He yearned for young and innocent witches, but he also had to deal with old and cunning ones. He will recite you a tale about the students who changed his life, such as Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Sonya and others. And he will also reveal the secrets of the Bewitching Guild, the ancient organization that once ruled the magical world.

The game is divided into three acts, each with multiple chapters. The first act is where it all began, where you arrive at Hogwarts and meet the main characters. The second act is where it all changes, where you face new challenges and opportunities. The third act is where it all ends, where you discover the truth and make your final choices. Innocent Witches 0.5.1B covers the first two chapters of the second act, where you will encounter new events and scenes that will affect your relationships and your fate.

What are the Features of Innocent Witches 0.5.1B

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is a game that offers a lot of features that make it stand out from other games of similar genre. Some of these features are:

  • A rich and immersive story that is influenced by your choices and actions
  • A variety of characters with different personalities, backgrounds and motivations
  • A dynamic and interactive world that you can explore and influence
  • A complex and realistic magic system that you can learn and use
  • A detailed and customizable character development system that allows you to improve your skills and stats
  • A stunning and realistic graphics and sound design that create a captivating atmosphere
  • A smooth and intuitive gameplay interface that makes it easy to play and enjoy
  • A high-quality and expressive Live2D animation engine that brings the characters to life
  • A sandbox mode that allows you to freely control some aspects of the scenes
  • A cheat mode that allows you to unlock all content or modify some parameters of the game
  • A mod mode that allows you to add or change some features of the game

What are the Characters of Innocent Witches 0.5.1B

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B features a cast of characters that are inspired by the Harry Potter series, but with some twists and changes. You will meet familiar faces, such as Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Snape, Dumbledore and others, but you will also discover new ones, such as Sonya, Petrius, Nola and others. Each character has their own personality, background and motivation, and you can interact with them in different ways. You can befriend them, romance them, help them or manipulate them, depending on your choices and actions.

Some of the main characters of Innocent Witches 0.5.1B are:

  • You: You are a young doctor who was born under mysterious circumstances and who has a simple goal: to enjoy young and innocent witches. You have a special ability that allows you to influence people’s minds and emotions, but you also have a dark secret that haunts you. You are the protagonist of the game and you can name yourself whatever you want.
  • Hermione: She is one of the brightest students of Hogwarts and a loyal friend of Harry Potter. She is smart, diligent and curious, but also shy and insecure. She has a crush on you and she is willing to do anything to please you. She is also interested in learning new spells and runes from you.
  • Ginny: She is the youngest of the Weasley family and a brave member of Dumbledore’s Army. She is cheerful, adventurous and rebellious, but also loyal and caring. She has a crush on Harry Potter, but she is also attracted to you and she is not afraid to show it. She likes to tease you and challenge you.
  • Luna: She is a quirky and eccentric student of Ravenclaw and a friend of Harry Potter. She is imaginative, creative and optimistic, but also naive and oblivious. She believes in many strange things, such as nargles and wrackspurts, and she likes to collect weird items. She is fascinated by you and your magic.
  • Sonya: She is a mysterious and mysterious student of Slytherin and a member of the Bewitching Guild. She is cunning, seductive and manipulative, but also loyal and ambitious. She has a hidden agenda that involves you and your magic. She likes to flirt with you and tempt you.

What are the Reviews of Innocent Witches 0.5.1B

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is a game that has received mostly positive reviews from players and critics alike. The game has been praised for its rich and immersive story, its stunning and realistic graphics, its smooth and intuitive gameplay interface, its high-quality and expressive Live2D animation engine, its complex and realistic magic system, its detailed and customizable character development system, its dynamic and interactive world, its variety of characters with different personalities, backgrounds and motivations, its sandbox mode that allows for more freedom and control over some scenes, its cheat mode that allows for more fun and convenience, its mod mode that allows for more customization and creativity.

Some of the reviews of Innocent Witches 0.5.1B are:

“This game is amazing! The story is captivating, the graphics are gorgeous, the gameplay is smooth, the animation is lifelike, the magic is realistic, the characters are interesting, the scenes are hot! I love everything about this game!”
“This game is one of the best games I have ever played in this genre. The game has so much content and features that make it stand out from other games. The game has a lot of choices and possibilities that affect the outcome of the story. The game also has a lot of secrets and surprises that keep me hooked.”
“This game is a masterpiece! The game has a perfect balance between story and gameplay. The game has a lot of humor and references that make it fun to play. The game also has a lot of depth and complexity that make it challenging to play.”

What are the Benefits of Playing Innocent Witches 0.5.1B

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is a game that can provide you with many benefits, such as:

  • Entertainment: The game is fun and enjoyable to play, as it offers a captivating story, a stunning graphics, a smooth gameplay, a high-quality animation, a complex magic system, a detailed character development system, a dynamic world, a variety of characters, a sandbox mode, a cheat mode and a mod mode.
  • Education: The game can teach you some things about the Harry Potter universe, such as the history, the lore, the characters, the spells, the runes and the items. The game can also improve your skills and knowledge in some areas, such as logic, memory, creativity and problem-solving.
  • Escapism: The game can help you escape from your reality and immerse yourself in a magical world, where you can live your fantasies and dreams. The game can also help you relax and relieve your stress and anxiety.
  • Socialization: The game can help you connect with other players who share your interests and passions. You can join online communities and forums where you can discuss the game, share your opinions and experiences, give and receive feedback and tips, make friends and have fun.

How to Support Innocent Witches 0.5.1B Development

Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is a game that is still in development and that needs your support to continue improving and expanding. You can support the game development in different ways, such as:

  • Donating: You can donate money to the game developer through their Patreon page. By donating, you can get access to some perks and rewards, such as early access to new versions of the game, exclusive content and updates, voting rights on polls and surveys, personal communication with the developer and more.
  • Feedback: You can give feedback to the game developer through their Discord server. By giving feedback, you can help the developer improve the game quality and performance, fix bugs and errors, add new features and content, address issues and concerns and more.
  • Promotion: You can promote the game to other people through your social media platforms, blogs, websites or word-of-mouth. By promoting the game, you can help the developer increase the game popularity and visibility, attract more players and supporters, create more buzz and hype and more.


Innocent Witches 0.5.1B is a game that you should not miss if you are a fan of fantasy and magic. The game offers a rich and immersive story, a stunning and realistic graphics, a smooth and intuitive gameplay interface, a high-quality and expressive Live2D animation engine, a complex and realistic magic system, a detailed and customizable character development system, a dynamic and interactive world, a variety of characters with different personalities, backgrounds and motivations, a sandbox mode that allows for more freedom and control over some scenes, a cheat mode that allows for more fun and convenience, a mod mode that allows for more customization and creativity. The game also provides you with many benefits, such as entertainment, education, escapism and socialization. The game is still in development and needs your support to continue improving and expanding. You can support the game development by donating, giving feedback or promoting the game. If you want to download and play Innocent Witches 0.5.1B on PC or Android, you can follow the instructions in this article. We hope you enjoy the game and have fun!×


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