Download Hungry Shark Evolution Ios __TOP__ 📦


How to Download Hungry Shark Evolution on iOS

Do you love sharks? Do you love action-packed games? Do you love eating everything in sight? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you will love Hungry Shark Evolution, a popular game that lets you take control of a hungry shark and go on a feeding frenzy in the ocean. In this article, we will tell you what Hungry Shark Evolution is, what features it has, how to download it on your iOS device, and some tips and tricks for playing it.

What is Hungry Shark Evolution?

Hungry Shark Evolution is a game developed by Ubisoft that was released in 2012. It is the fifth installment in the Hungry Shark series, which started with Hungry Shark in 2008. The game is available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Facebook.

In Hungry Shark Evolution, you play as a shark that has to survive in the ocean by eating everything that comes your way. You can choose from different species of sharks, each with their own abilities and characteristics. You can also upgrade your sharks by collecting coins and gems, which are scattered throughout the ocean. You can use these coins and gems to buy new sharks, accessories, gadgets, maps, and more.

The game has an open-world environment that you can explore freely. You can swim above and below the water surface, finding various creatures and objects to eat or interact with. You can also discover hidden areas and secrets that contain extra rewards and challenges. The game has a variety of missions that you can complete to earn coins, gems, or other prizes. Some missions are based on specific sharks or locations, while others are based on events or themes.

The game also has a number of special modes and abilities that you can activate to enhance your gameplay. For example, you can activate Gold Rush mode, which makes everything turn into gold and gives you extra points and invincibility. You can also activate Super Size mode, which makes your shark grow bigger and stronger. You can also use special abilities like hypnosis, explosion, or laser to deal with enemies or obstacles.

Features of Hungry Shark Evolution

Unlock and evolve different sharks

One of the main features of Hungry Shark Evolution is that you can unlock and evolve different sharks as you play. There are over 40 species of sharks that you can choose from, ranging from small reef sharks to massive prehistoric sharks like Megalodon or Dunkleosteus. Each shark has its own stats, such as speed, bite, boost, health, size, diet, etc. Some sharks also have unique abilities or traits that make them stand out from the rest.

You can unlock new sharks by spending coins or gems that you collect in the game. You can also unlock some sharks by completing certain missions or achievements. Once you unlock a shark, you can evolve it by spending coins or gems to increase its stats or abilities. Evolving your shark will make it more powerful and capable of eating more things that are bigger or tougher than before. You can also change the appearance of your shark by equipping different skins or costumes that you can buy or unlock in the game.

Explore and devour a vast underwater world

Another feature of Hungry Shark Evolution is that you can explore and devour a vast underwater world that is full of life and surprises. The game has several maps that you can unlock and visit, each with its own theme, scenery, creatures, and secrets. Some of the maps include Pacific Islands, Arabian Sea, Arctic Ocean, South China Sea, and Atlantis.

As you swim around the maps, you will encounter various things that you can eat or interact with. You can eat fish, crabs, turtles, jellyfish, squid, octopus, dolphins, whales, seals, penguins, humans, and more. You can also eat birds, planes, helicopters, boats, submarines, and other objects that are above the water surface. You can also find treasure chests, sunken ships, ancient ruins, caves, volcanoes, portals, and other hidden objects that contain coins, gems, or other rewards.

However, not everything in the ocean is edible or friendly. You will also face dangerous enemies and obstacles that can harm you or hinder your progress. You will have to avoid or fight sharks, crocodiles, piranhas, electric eels, mines, torpedoes, harpoons, nets, and more. You will also have to deal with environmental hazards like icebergs, lava flows, toxic waste, or radiation.

Equip awesome accessories and gadgets

A third feature of Hungry Shark Evolution is that you can equip awesome accessories and gadgets to enhance your shark’s performance and appearance. You can buy or unlock various items that you can attach to your shark’s body or mouth. Some of the items include jetpacks, lasers, rockets, umbrellas, headphones, hats, sunglasses, necklaces, and more.

Each item has its own function and effect on your shark. For example, jetpacks allow you to fly in the air and reach places that are normally inaccessible. Lasers allow you to shoot beams of energy that can destroy enemies or objects. Rockets allow you to launch projectiles that can explode on impact. Umbrellas protect you from rain or sunburn. Headphones play music that boosts your mood and score. Hats make you look stylish and cool.

You can equip up to three items at a time on your shark. You can also mix and match different items to create unique combinations and effects. For example, you can equip a jetpack, a laser, and a hat to create a flying shark that shoots lasers while wearing a hat.

Complete missions and challenges

A fourth feature of Hungry Shark Evolution is that you can complete missions and challenges to earn coins, gems, or other rewards. The game has a variety of missions that you can find and complete as you play. Some missions are based on specific sharks or locations, while others are based on events or themes. For example, you can find missions like “Eat 10 humans”, “Survive for 5 minutes”, “Find the hidden treasure”, “Eat 3 submarines”, “Complete the Halloween event”, etc.

Completing missions will give you coins or gems that you can use to buy or upgrade your sharks or items. Completing missions will also increase your multiplier, which will boost your score and rank. Completing missions will also unlock achievements, which will give you extra coins, gems, or other prizes.

The game also has a number of challenges that you can participate in to test your skills and compete with other players. Some challenges are based on time, distance, score, or survival. For example, you can join challenges like “Eat as much as you can in 2 minutes”, “Swim as far as you can in 1 minute”, “Get the highest score possible in 3 minutes”, “Survive as long as you can without eating anything”, etc.

Participating in challenges will give you coins or gems that you can use to buy or upgrade your sharks or items. Participating in challenges will also increase your rank and reputation, which will unlock new sharks or items. Participating in challenges will also earn you trophies, which will show your achievements and progress.

Activate special modes and abilities

A fifth feature of Hungry Shark Evolution is that you can activate special modes and abilities to spice up your gameplay and unleash your shark’s full potential. The game has a number of modes and abilities that you can trigger by eating certain things or performing certain actions. Some of the modes and abilities include Gold Rush, Super Size, Mega Gold Rush, Hypnosis, Explosion, Laser, etc.

Each mode or ability has its own effect and duration on your shark. For example, Gold Rush mode makes everything turn into gold and gives you extra points and invincibility. Super Size mode makes your shark grow bigger and stronger. Mega Gold Rush mode combines the effects of Gold Rush and Super Size modes. Hypnosis ability allows you to control other creatures and make them follow you or attack others. Explosion ability allows you to detonate yourself and cause a massive blast. Laser ability allows you to shoot beams of energy that can destroy enemies or objects.

You can activate modes or abilities by eating certain things that have a special icon above them. For example, you can activate Gold Rush mode by eating gold fish or objects. You can activate Super Size mode by eating a large amount of food in a short time. You can activate Mega Gold Rush mode by filling up a special bar that appears on the screen. You can activate Hypnosis ability by eating jellyfish. You can activate Explosion ability by eating bombs. You can activate Laser ability by equipping a laser item.

You can also activate modes or abilities by performing certain actions that have a special icon above them. For example, you can activate Gold Rush mode by jumping out of the water and hitting a plane or helicopter. You can activate Super Size mode by eating a giant crab or squid. You can activate Mega Gold Rush mode by eating a megalodon or dunkleosteus. You can activate Hypnosis ability by biting a human’s head. You can activate Explosion ability by colliding with a mine or torpedo. You can activate Laser ability by tapping on the screen.

How to Download Hungry Shark Evolution on iOS

Now that you know what Hungry Shark Evolution is and what features it has, you might be wondering how to download it on your iOS device. Well, don’t worry, because we have got you covered. Here are the simple steps that you need to follow to download Hungry Shark Evolution on your iOS device:

Step 1: Go to the App Store

The first step is to go to the App Store on your iOS device. You can do this by tapping on the App Store icon on your home screen or dock.

Step 2: Search for Hungry Shark Evolution

The second step is to search for Hungry Shark Evolution on the App Store. You can do this by tapping on the search icon at the bottom right corner of the screen and typing “Hungry Shark Evolution” in the search bar.

Step 3: Tap on the Get button

The third step is to tap on the Get button next to Hungry Shark Evolution on the search results page. This will start downloading the game on your iOS device.

Step 4: Wait for the download to finish

The fourth step is to wait for the download to finish on your iOS device. You can check the progress of the download by tapping on the Downloads icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. You can also pause or resume the download by tapping on the Pause or Resume button next to Hungry Shark Evolution on the Downloads page.

Step 5: Launch the game and enjoy

The fifth and final step is to launch the game and enjoy. You can do this by tapping on the Hungry Shark Evolution icon on your home screen or dock. This will open the game and allow you to start playing. You can also access the game settings, achievements, leaderboards, and more by tapping on the Menu button at the top left corner of the screen.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Hungry Shark Evolution on iOS

Now that you have downloaded Hungry Shark Evolution on your iOS device, you might be looking for some tips and tricks to help you play better and have more fun. Well, don’t worry, because we have got you covered. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to improve your gameplay and score in Hungry Shark Evolution:

Collect coins and gems to upgrade your sharks

One of the most important tips for playing Hungry Shark Evolution is to collect coins and gems that are scattered throughout the ocean. Coins and gems are the main currency in the game that you can use to buy or upgrade your sharks, items, maps, and more. Coins are more common and easy to find, while gems are more rare and valuable. You can find coins and gems by eating fish, humans, treasure chests, sunken ships, etc. You can also get coins and gems by completing missions, challenges, achievements, events, etc.

Collecting coins and gems will allow you to unlock new sharks or items that will make your gameplay more exciting and diverse. You can also use coins and gems to upgrade your sharks’ stats or abilities, which will make them more powerful and capable of eating more things. Upgrading your sharks will also increase your multiplier, which will boost your score and rank.

Eat as much as you can to fill up your health bar and boost your score

Another tip for playing Hungry Shark Evolution is to eat as much as you can to fill up your health bar and boost your score. Eating is the main activity in the game that will keep you alive and happy. Your shark has a health bar that depletes over time or when you get hurt by enemies or obstacles. If your health bar reaches zero, you will die and end your game. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat constantly to replenish your health bar.

Eating will also increase your score, which is based on how much you eat and what you eat. Different things have different values that affect your score. For example, eating fish will give you a low score, while eating humans will give you a high score. Eating rare or special things will give you an extra bonus score. Eating a lot of things in a short time will also give you a combo score.

Eating will also fill up a special bar that appears on the screen when you eat enough things. When this bar is full, you can activate a special mode or ability that will enhance your gameplay and score.

Avoid dangerous enemies and obstacles that can harm you

A third tip for playing Hungry Shark Evolution is to avoid dangerous enemies and obstacles that can harm you or hinder your progress. The ocean is not a safe place for a hungry shark, as there are many things that can hurt you or kill you. You need to be careful and aware of your surroundings, as well as know what to avoid or fight.

Some of the enemies and obstacles that you need to avoid or fight include other sharks, crocodiles, piranhas, electric eels, mines, torpedoes, harpoons, nets, and more. These things can damage your health bar or stop you from eating or moving. Some of them can also trigger alarms or alerts that will attract more enemies or obstacles to your location. You can avoid these things by swimming away from them or hiding behind objects. You can also fight them by biting them or using your special modes or abilities. However, some of them are too big or strong for you to eat or destroy, so you need to be careful and smart.

Some of the environmental hazards that you need to avoid or deal with include icebergs, lava flows, toxic waste, or radiation. These things can affect your health bar or your shark’s behavior. For example, icebergs can freeze you and slow you down. Lava flows can burn you and make you lose health. Toxic waste can poison you and make you sick. Radiation can mutate you and make you lose control. You can avoid these things by staying away from them or finding a safe zone. You can also deal with them by using your special modes or abilities.

Find hidden objects and secrets to unlock rewards and achievements

A fourth tip for playing Hungry Shark Evolution is to find hidden objects and secrets that can unlock rewards and achievements. The ocean is full of mysteries and surprises that are waiting for you to discover. You can find hidden objects and secrets by exploring the maps, looking for clues, solving puzzles, or completing tasks.

Some of the hidden objects and secrets that you can find include treasure chests, sunken ships, ancient ruins, caves, volcanoes, portals, and more. These things can contain coins, gems, items, maps, sharks, skins, costumes, or other rewards that you can use or unlock in the game. Some of them can also contain challenges or secrets that will test your skills or knowledge.

Finding hidden objects and secrets will also unlock achievements, which will give you extra coins, gems, or other prizes. Achievements are goals that you can complete by doing certain things in the game. For example, you can unlock achievements like “Eat 100 humans”, “Find the Atlantis portal”, “Survive a volcanic eruption”, “Eat a UFO”, etc.

Participate in regular events and promotions to get exclusive prizes and bonuses

A fifth tip for playing Hungry Shark Evolution is to participate in regular events and promotions that can give you exclusive prizes and bonuses. The game has a number of events and promotions that happen periodically or occasionally in the game. Some of the events and promotions include seasonal events, holiday events, special events, daily rewards, weekly rewards, monthly rewards, etc.

Participating in events and promotions will give you exclusive prizes and bonuses that you can use or unlock in the game. Some of the prizes and bonuses include coins, gems, items, maps, sharks, skins, costumes, modes, abilities, etc. Some of them are only available for a limited time or quantity, so you need to be quick and lucky to get them.

Participating in events and promotions will also make your gameplay more fun and diverse, as they will introduce new features or challenges that will spice up your gameplay and score. For example, some of the events and promotions include Halloween event, Christmas event, Shark Week event, Lunar New Year event, Valentine’s Day event, etc.


Hungry Shark Evolution is a game that lets you take control of a hungry shark and go on a feeding frenzy in the ocean. The game has many features that make it fun and exciting to play. You can unlock and evolve different sharks, explore and devour a vast underwater world, equip awesome accessories and gadgets, complete missions and challenges, activate special modes and abilities, and more.

The game is also easy to download on your iOS device. You just need to follow these simple steps: go to the App Store, search for Hungry Shark Evolution, tap on the Get button, wait for the download to finish, launch the game and enjoy.

The game also has many tips and tricks that can help you play better and have more fun. You can collect coins and gems to upgrade your sharks or items, avoid dangerous enemies or obstacles that can harm you, find hidden objects or secrets to unlock rewards or achievements, participate in regular events or promotions to get exclusive prizes or bonuses, and more.

Hungry Shark Evolution is a game that will keep you entertained and engaged for hours. It is a game that will make you feel like a real shark in the ocean. It is a game that will challenge your skills and creativity. It is a game that will make you hungry for more.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Hungry Shark Evolution:

Q: How do I save my progress in Hungry Shark Evolution?

A: Hungry Shark Evolution uses cloud saving to save your progress in the game. You need to have an internet connection and a Ubisoft account to use this feature. You can create a Ubisoft account by tapping on the Menu button, then tapping on the Connect button, then following the instructions. Once you have a Ubisoft account, you can save your progress by tapping on the Menu button, then tapping on the Save button, then choosing a slot to save your game. You can also load your progress by tapping on the Menu button, then tapping on the Load button, then choosing a slot to load your game.

Q: How do I get more coins and gems in Hungry Shark Evolution?

A: There are many ways to get more coins and gems in Hungry Shark Evolution. You can get coins and gems by eating fish, humans, treasure chests, sunken ships, etc. You can also get coins and gems by completing missions, challenges, achievements, events, etc. You can also get coins and gems by watching ads or videos that appear in the game. You can also get coins and gems by using real money to buy them from the shop.

Q: How do I unlock new sharks or items in Hungry Shark Evolution?

A: There are many ways to unlock new sharks or items in Hungry Shark Evolution. You can unlock new sharks or items by spending coins or gems that you collect in the game. You can also unlock some sharks or items by completing certain missions or achievements. You can also unlock some sharks or items by participating in certain events or promotions. You can also unlock some sharks or items by using real money to buy them from the shop.

Q: How do I activate special modes or abilities in Hungry Shark Evolution?

A: There are many ways to activate special modes or abilities in Hungry Shark Evolution. You can activate modes or abilities by eating certain things that have a special icon above them. For example, you can activate Gold Rush mode by eating gold fish or objects. You can also activate modes or abilities by performing certain actions that have a special icon above them. For example, you can activate Gold Rush mode by jumping out of the water and hitting a plane or helicopter. You can also activate modes or abilities by using certain items that you equip on your shark. For example, you can activate Laser ability by equipping a laser item.

Q: How do I change the language or sound settings in Hungry Shark Evolution?

A: You can change the language or sound settings in Hungry Shark Evolution by tapping on the Menu button, then tapping on the Settings button, then choosing the option that you want to change. You can choose from different languages for the game text and voice. You can also adjust the volume of the music and sound effects.


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