Download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl PATCHED

How to Download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl: A Complete Guide for Muslims

If you are looking for a book that can inspire you to overcome sadness and live a happy life as a Muslim, you may want to download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl. This book, written by Dr. ‘Aidh al-Qarni, is a best-selling Islamic self-help book that has been translated into many languages and has helped millions of people around the world.

In this article, we will show you how to download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl for free and why you should read it. We will also give you some tips on how to apply the lessons from the book in your daily life.

What is Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl?

Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl is the electronic version of the book La Tahzan, which means “Don’t Be Sad” in Arabic. The book was originally written in Arabic by Dr. ‘Aidh al-Qarni, a Saudi scholar and preacher who has a PhD in Islamic studies. The book was first published in 2003 and has since been translated into more than 30 languages, including English, Indonesian, Turkish, Urdu, Malay, French, German, and Spanish.

The book is divided into 30 chapters, each containing various topics related to happiness and sadness in Islam. The author uses verses from the Quran, hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), stories from the companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them), anecdotes from famous Muslim scholars and personalities, and examples from his own experience to illustrate his points. The book covers topics such as:

  • The causes and cures of sadness
  • The benefits of patience and gratitude
  • The importance of trusting Allah and relying on Him
  • The ways of dealing with stress and anxiety
  • The methods of coping with grief and loss
  • The secrets of happiness and contentment
  • The virtues of optimism and hope
  • The role of faith and worship in achieving peace of mind
  • The etiquette of social interaction and communication
  • The advice for overcoming anger and envy
  • The tips for improving self-esteem and confidence
  • The guidelines for avoiding sins and repenting from them
  • The reminders for living a balanced and productive life

The book is written in a simple and easy-to-understand language, with many practical examples and exercises. The book aims to motivate the readers to overcome their negative emotions and thoughts, and to embrace the positive aspects of Islam. The book also encourages the readers to seek knowledge and wisdom from the Quran and the Sunnah, and to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them).

How to Download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl for Free?

If you want to download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl for free, you have several options. One of them is to visit the Internet Archive website, where you can find the PDF version of the book in various languages. You can either read it online or download it to your device. You can also borrow the book from the Open Library section of the website, where you can read it for 14 days.

Another option is to visit the website, where you can find the PDF version of the book in Indonesian. You can either view it online or download it to your device. You can also join the website and follow the author’s profile, where you can find more of his works and publications.

A third option is to visit the website, where you can find a list of ebooks and manuals related to La Tahzan. You can browse through the titles and download the ones that interest you. However, you may need to register on the website and verify your email address before you can access the files.

How Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl Can Help Muslims in Different Situations?

Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl can help Muslims in different situations by providing them with Islamic guidance and inspiration. Whether you are facing a personal problem, a family issue, a work challenge, a health crisis, a financial difficulty, or a social conflict, you can find some useful advice and tips from the book. The book can also help you to improve your relationship with Allah, yourself, and others.

For example, if you are feeling sad or depressed, you can read the chapters that deal with the causes and cures of sadness. You can learn how to identify the sources of your sadness and how to overcome them with patience and gratitude. You can also learn how to trust Allah and rely on Him in all situations. You can find comfort and solace in the verses of the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that remind you of Allah’s mercy and love.

If you are facing a stressful or anxious situation, you can read the chapters that deal with stress and anxiety. You can learn how to cope with stress and anxiety with faith and worship. You can also learn how to manage your time and prioritize your tasks. You can find peace and tranquility in the acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, charity, and dhikr (remembrance of Allah).

If you are experiencing a loss or a grief, you can read the chapters that deal with grief and loss. You can learn how to cope with grief and loss with patience and hope. You can also learn how to accept Allah’s decree and wisdom. You can find consolation and support in the stories of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) who faced many trials and tribulations.

How to Share Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl with Others?

If you have downloaded Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl and found it beneficial, you may want to share it with others. Sharing the book can be a way of spreading the message of Islam and earning rewards from Allah. You can also help others to overcome their sadness and live a happy life as Muslims.

There are many ways to share Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl with others. One of them is to send the PDF file or the download link to your friends and family via email, WhatsApp, Telegram, or other social media platforms. You can also post the link on your blog, website, or online forum. You can also print the book and distribute it to your local mosque, library, or Islamic center.

Another way to share Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl with others is to recommend the book to them verbally or in writing. You can tell them about the book and its author, and what you liked about it. You can also give them a brief summary of the main points and topics covered in the book. You can also share some quotes or stories from the book that you found inspiring or helpful.

How to Review Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl?

If you have read Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl and enjoyed it, you may want to write a review for it. Writing a review can be a way of expressing your opinion and feedback about the book. You can also help other potential readers to decide whether to download the book or not.

There are many platforms where you can write a review for Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl. One of them is the Goodreads website, where you can rate the book from one to five stars and write a short or long review. You can also join the discussion groups and interact with other readers who have read the book. You can also follow the author’s profile and see his other books and ratings.

Another platform where you can write a review for Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl is the Amazon website, where you can rate the book from one to five stars and write a brief review. You can also see the reviews and ratings of other customers who have bought the book. You can also browse through the related books and products that may interest you.

How to Contact the Author of Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl?

If you have read Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl and want to contact the author, Dr. ‘Aidh al-Qarni, you have several options. One of them is to visit his official website, where you can find his biography, his books, his articles, his lectures, and his contact information. You can also send him an email or a message through the website.

Another option is to follow him on his social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. You can see his latest posts, videos, and updates. You can also comment on his posts and send him direct messages. You can also join his fan pages and groups and interact with other followers who admire him.

A third option is to write him a letter and mail it to his address. You can find his address on his website or on the back cover of his books. You can write him in Arabic or English and express your appreciation, feedback, questions, or suggestions. You can also request a signed copy of his book or an autograph.

How to Buy a Hard Copy of Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl?

If you prefer to read a hard copy of Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl instead of an electronic version, you have several options. One of them is to order the book online from the Qisthi Press website, which is the publisher of the Indonesian edition of the book. You can choose the delivery method and the payment method that suit you. You can also get discounts and free shipping for bulk orders.

Another option is to buy the book from a local bookstore or an online bookstore that sells Islamic books. You can search for the book by its title or its ISBN number. You can also compare the prices and the availability of the book from different sellers. You can also read the reviews and ratings of the book from other customers.

A third option is to borrow the book from a library or a friend who has it. You can check if your local library has the book in its collection and reserve it online or in person. You can also ask your friend if he or she can lend you the book for a certain period of time. You can also exchange books with your friend and share your thoughts and opinions about them.

How to Join a Book Club for Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl?

If you want to join a book club for Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl, you have several options. One of them is to search for an existing book club that is reading or has read the book. You can use online platforms such as Meetup, Goodreads, or Facebook to find book clubs near you or online. You can also ask your friends, family, or colleagues if they know any book clubs that are interested in the book.

Another option is to start your own book club for Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl. You can invite your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone who wants to read the book with you. You can choose the format, the frequency, the location, and the duration of your book club meetings. You can also decide on the rules and the expectations of your book club members.

A third option is to join a virtual book club for Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl. You can use online platforms such as Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet to connect with other readers who are reading the book from different locations. You can also use online tools such as Padlet, Google Docs, or Kahoot to share your notes, questions, opinions, and activities related to the book.

How to Donate Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl to a Charity?

If you have read Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl and want to donate it to a charity, you have several options. One of them is to donate the electronic version of the book to a charity that provides ebooks to people who need them. You can use online platforms such as Worldreader, Bookshare, or Project Gutenberg to find charities that accept ebook donations. You can also check if the charity has a specific wishlist or request for ebooks.

Another option is to donate the hard copy of the book to a charity that provides books to people who need them. You can use online platforms such as Better World Books, Books for Africa, or Book Aid International to find charities that accept book donations. You can also check if the charity has a specific wishlist or request for books.

A third option is to donate money to a charity that supports Islamic education and literacy. You can use online platforms such as LaunchGood, Islamic Relief, or Zakat Foundation to find charities that fund Islamic schools, libraries, or projects. You can also check if the charity has a specific campaign or cause related to Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl.


Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl is a valuable book that can help Muslims to overcome sadness and live a happy life as Muslims. The book is written by Dr. ‘Aidh al-Qarni, a renowned Islamic scholar and preacher who has a PhD in Islamic studies. The book is based on the Quran, the Sunnah, and the stories of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them).

In this article, we have shown you how to download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl for free and why you should read it. We have also given you some tips on how to apply the lessons from the book in your daily life. We have also discussed how to share, review, contact, buy, join, and donate the book to others.

We hope that this article has been useful and informative for you. We also hope that you will download Ebook La Tahzan Lengkapl and benefit from it. We also hope that you will share it with others and spread the message of Islam and happiness. May Allah bless you and guide you to the right path. Ameen.[TechTool][3].md


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