Download __TOP__ Rpp Kelas 3 Tema 6 Energi Dan Perubahannya 💾

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Download RPP Kelas 3 Tema 6 Energi dan Perubahannya

If you are a teacher of grade 3 students in Indonesia, you might be looking for a way to download RPP for theme 6 energy and its changes (energi dan perubahannya). RPP is a lesson plan that helps you to deliver the curriculum effectively and efficiently. In this article, we will explain what RPP is, why it is important, what the theme of energy and its changes is about, how to download RPP for this theme, and what are the features of RPP for this theme. We hope this article will be useful for you.

What is RPP and why is it important?

RPP is a lesson plan that guides teachers in delivering the curriculum

RPP stands for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means lesson plan in English. It is a document that contains the plan of teaching and learning activities for a certain subject, grade, semester, theme, sub-theme, or meeting. It is based on the curriculum that is issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The curriculum defines the vision, mission, goals, objectives, competencies, indicators, materials, methods, assessments, and resources of education.

RPP helps teachers to achieve the learning objectives and integrate the character education and 21st century skills

RPP is important because it helps teachers to achieve the learning objectives that are derived from the basic competencies (kompetensi dasar) in the curriculum. The learning objectives specify what students should know, understand, and be able to do after completing a lesson. By following RPP, teachers can ensure that their teaching and learning activities are aligned with the learning objectives.

RPP also helps teachers to integrate the character education (pendidikan karakter) and 21st century skills (keterampilan abad ke-21) into their teaching and learning activities. Character education aims to develop students’ moral values such as religiousness, nationalism, independence, cooperation, and integrity. 21st century skills aim to develop students’ cognitive abilities such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. By following RPP, teachers can foster students’ holistic development and prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century.

What is the theme of energy and its changes for grade 3 students?

The theme of energy and its changes is one of the eight themes in the second semester of grade 3

The curriculum 2013 (K13) for grade 3 students is divided into two semesters, each consisting of eight themes. The themes are integrated topics that cover various subjects such as science, social studies, arts, and physical education. The theme of energy and its changes (energi dan perubahannya) is the sixth theme in the second semester of grade 3. It is related to the subject of science, especially physics.

The theme covers four sub-themes: sources of energy, energy transformation, alternative energy, and energy conservation

The theme of energy and its changes consists of four sub-themes (subtema) that explore different aspects of energy. The sub-themes are as follows:

  • Sources of energy (sumber energi): This sub-theme introduces students to the concept and types of energy, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, heat energy, light energy, sound energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, and nuclear energy. It also teaches students about the natural and artificial sources of energy, such as the sun, wind, water, coal, oil, gas, and batteries.
  • Energy transformation (perubahan energi): This sub-theme explains to students how energy can be transformed from one form to another, such as from chemical energy to electrical energy in a battery, from electrical energy to light energy in a bulb, from light energy to heat energy in a solar panel, and from kinetic energy to sound energy in a drum. It also shows students the examples of energy transformation in daily life, such as cooking, playing, and using gadgets.
  • Alternative energy (energi alternatif): This sub-theme introduces students to the concept and examples of alternative energy, which is the energy that comes from renewable and environmentally friendly sources, such as solar power, wind power, hydro power, geothermal power, biomass power, and tidal power. It also discusses the potential and challenges of using alternative energy in Indonesia and the world.
  • Energy conservation (konservasi energi): This sub-theme educates students about the importance and ways of conserving energy, which means using less energy or using energy more efficiently. It also encourages students to practice energy conservation habits at home, school, and community, such as turning off unused appliances, using natural light and ventilation, recycling waste materials, and planting trees.

The theme aims to develop students’ understanding of the concept and types of energy, the process and impact of energy transformation, the potential and challenges of alternative energy, and the importance and ways of energy conservation

The theme of energy and its changes has several learning objectives that are aligned with the basic competencies in the curriculum. The learning objectives are as follows:

  • To identify the concept and types of energy
  • To explain the process and impact of energy transformation
  • To compare and contrast the natural and artificial sources of energy
  • To describe the examples of alternative energy
  • To analyze the potential and challenges of using alternative energy
  • To demonstrate the ways of conserving energy
  • To appreciate the role of energy in human life
  • To develop the character values of curiosity, creativity, responsibility, and care for the environment
  • To develop the 21st century skills of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving

How to download RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes?

There are many online sources that provide RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes

If you want to download RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, you don’t need to worry. There are many online sources that provide RPP for this theme for free. You can find them easily by using a search engine such as Google or Bing. You can also use keywords such as “download RPP kelas 3 tema 6 energi dan perubahannya”, “RPP kelas 3 tema 6 K13 revisi”, or “RPP kelas 3 tema 6 semester 2”.

Some examples of online sources are, Guru Berbagi, MayFile, and Guru Berbagi again

Here are some examples of online sources that provide RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes. You can visit these websites and see if they have the RPP that you need.

Website Description This website is dedicated to providing various resources for elementary school teachers, such as RPP, syllabus, learning materials, assessment instruments, and learning media. It also has a blog section that shares tips and tricks for teaching and learning. You can download RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes from this website in PDF format.
Guru Berbagi This website is a platform for teachers to share their RPP, syllabus, learning materials, assessment instruments, and learning media with other teachers. It also has a forum section where teachers can discuss and exchange ideas about teaching and learning. You can download RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes from this website in Word format.
MayFile This website is a file hosting service that allows users to upload and download various files, such as documents, images, videos, audios, and archives. It also has a search feature that helps users to find the files that they need. You can download RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes from this website in Word format.
Guru Berbagi again This website is another version of Guru Berbagi that has a different domain name. It has the same features and content as the original Guru Berbagi website. You can download RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes from this website in Word format.

The steps to download RPP from these sources are similar: visit the website, find the link to the RPP, click on the link, and download the file

The steps to download RPP from these online sources are similar. Here are the general steps that you can follow:

  1. Visit the website that provides RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes. You can use the links that we have provided above or use your own search engine.
  2. Find the link to the RPP that you want to download. You can use the search feature on the website or browse through the categories or tags. You can also look at the preview or description of the RPP before downloading it.
  3. Click on the link to the RPP that you want to download. You will be directed to another page or window that contains the RPP file or a download button.
  4. Download the file by clicking on the download button or following the instructions on the page or window. You may need to wait for a few seconds or minutes before the download starts. You may also need to enter a captcha code or complete a survey before downloading the file.
  5. Save the file on your computer or device. You can choose the location and name of the file according to your preference. You can also open the file with a compatible program such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Reader.

What are the features of RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes?

The RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes follows the revised curriculum 2013 (K13) issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture

The RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes follows the revised curriculum 2013 (K13) that was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017. The revised curriculum 2013 is the latest version of the national curriculum that applies to all levels and types of education in Indonesia. It is based on the principles of scientific approach, active learning, student-centered learning, authentic assessment, and thematic-integrated learning.

The RPP consists of one page per sub-theme that contains the following information: subject, grade, semester, theme, sub-theme, learning objectives, basic competencies, indicators, learning materials, learning activities, assessment methods, assessment instruments, learning resources, and time allocation

The RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes consists of one page per sub-theme that contains the following information:

  • Subject (mata pelajaran): This refers to the subject that is related to the theme and sub-theme. For grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, the subject is science (IPA).
  • Grade (kelas): This refers to the grade level of the students. For grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, the grade is 3.
  • Semester (semester): This refers to the semester of the academic year. For grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, the semester is 2.
  • Theme (tema): This refers to the integrated topic that covers various subjects. For grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, the theme is energy and its changes (energi dan perubahannya).
  • Sub-theme (subtema): This refers to the specific topic that is derived from the theme. For grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, there are four sub-themes: sources of energy (sumber energi), energy transformation (perubahan energi), alternative energy (energi alternatif), and energy conservation (konservasi energi).
  • Learning objectives (tujuan pembelajaran): This refers to the statements that describe what students should know, understand, and be able to do after completing a lesson. The learning objectives are derived from the basic competencies (kompetensi dasar) in the curriculum.
  • Basic competencies (kompetensi dasar): This refers to the statements that describe the minimum standards of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should achieve in each subject. The basic competencies are divided into two categories: core competencies (kompetensi inti) and basic competencies of subjects (kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran).
  • Indicators (indikator): This refers to the statements that describe the observable behaviors or performances that demonstrate students’ achievement of the basic competencies. The indicators are used as the basis for designing learning activities and assessment instruments.
  • Learning materials (materi pembelajaran): This refers to the content or information that is relevant to the theme and sub-theme. The learning materials are presented in various forms such as text, image, video, audio, or animation.
  • Learning activities (kegiatan pembelajaran): This refers to the steps or procedures that guide teachers and students in conducting teaching and learning activities. The learning activities are designed based on the scientific approach, which consists of five stages: observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating.
  • Assessment methods (metode penilaian): This refers to the ways or techniques that are used to measure students’ achievement of the learning objectives. The assessment methods are divided into two categories: formative assessment (penilaian formatif) and summative assessment (penilaian sumatif). Formative assessment is conducted during or after each lesson to monitor students’ progress and provide feedback. Summative assessment is conducted at the end of each sub-theme or theme to evaluate students’ mastery of the basic competencies.
  • Assessment instruments (instrumen penilaian): This refers to the tools or devices that are used to collect data or evidence of students’ achievement of the indicators. The assessment instruments can be in various forms such as tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, portfolios, performances, observations, interviews, or self-assessments.
  • Learning resources (sumber belajar): This refers to the sources or references that support the teaching and learning activities. The learning resources can be in various forms such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers, websites, videos, audios, or animations.
  • Time allocation (alokasi waktu): This refers to the duration or amount of time that is allocated for each sub-theme or lesson. The time allocation is determined based on the complexity and scope of the learning objectives, materials, activities, and assessments.


In conclusion, RPP is a lesson plan that guides teachers in delivering the curriculum effectively and efficiently. It helps teachers to achieve the learning objectives and integrate the character education and 21st century skills into their teaching and learning activities. For grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, the RPP follows the revised curriculum 2013 that covers four sub-themes: sources of energy, energy transformation, alternative energy, and energy conservation. The RPP consists of one page per sub-theme that contains various information such as subject, grade, semester, theme, sub-theme, learning objectives, basic competencies, indicators, learning materials, learning activities, assessment methods, assessment instruments, learning resources, and time allocation. The RPP also includes attachments that contain additional information such as learning materials, learning methods, assessment instruments, and answer keys. To download RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes, teachers can visit various online sources that provide RPP for free. Some examples of online sources are, Guru Berbagi, MayFile, and Guru Berbagi again. The steps to download RPP from these sources are similar: visit the website, find the link to the RPP, click on the link, and download the file.


What is the difference between RPP and syllabus?

RPP and syllabus are both documents that are based on the curriculum. However, they have different levels of detail and scope. Syllabus is a document that contains the general plan of teaching and learning activities for a certain subject, grade, or semester. It includes information such as basic competencies, indicators, learning materials, assessment methods, and time allocation. RPP is a document that contains the specific plan of teaching and learning activities for a certain theme, sub-theme, or meeting. It includes information such as learning objectives, learning activities, assessment instruments, and learning resources.

How many pages are there in RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes?

There are four pages in RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes. Each page corresponds to one sub-theme: sources of energy (sumber energi), energy transformation (perubahan energi), alternative energy (energi alternatif), and energy conservation (konservasi energi). Each page contains information such as subject, grade, semester, theme, sub-theme, learning objectives, basic competencies, indicators, learning materials, learning activities, assessment methods, assessment instruments, learning resources, and time allocation.

Where can I find the answer keys for the assessment instruments in RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes?

You can find the answer keys for the assessment instruments in RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes in the attachments section of the RPP. The attachments section contains additional information such as learning materials, learning methods, assessment instruments, and answer keys. The answer keys provide the correct or expected answers for the questions or tasks in the assessment instruments.

How can I modify or customize RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes according to my needs?

You can modify or customize RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes according to your needs by using a compatible program such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Reader. You can edit or delete any information that you want to change or remove. You can also add or insert any information that you want to include or enhance. However, you should make sure that your modified or customized RPP still follows the curriculum standards and meets the learning objectives.

How can I share my feedback or suggestions about RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes?

You can share your feedback or suggestions about RPP for grade 3 theme 6 energy and its changes by contacting the online sources that provide RPP for this theme. You can use their contact details such as email address, phone number, or social media accounts. You can also use their comment section or forum section if they have one. You can express your opinions or experiences about using RPP for this theme. You can also ask questions or request more information about RPP for this theme.


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