Decamerone Dieci Novelle Raccontate Da Piero Chiara Epub

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Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub

Are you looking for a classic and captivating book to read on your digital device? Do you want to enjoy the timeless stories of Boccaccio, one of the greatest Italian writers of all time? If so, you might be interested in Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub, a book that offers a modern and lively version of ten novels from the Decameron, translated and retold by Piero Chiara, a renowned 20th-century author.

What is the Decameron?

The Decameron is a collection of 100 novels written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the 14th century. It is considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and a landmark of the Renaissance. The novels are set in Florence during the Black Death, a plague that killed millions of people in Europe. To escape the disease, ten young people (seven women and three men) decide to leave the city and take refuge in a villa in the countryside. There, they entertain themselves by telling stories on various themes, such as love, fortune, wit, trickery, and morality.

Who is Piero Chiara?

Piero Chiara was an Italian writer and journalist who lived from 1913 to 1986. He was born in Luino, a town on Lake Maggiore, and spent most of his life in Lombardy. He wrote novels, short stories, essays, and poems, often inspired by his native region and its history and culture. He was also a lover of classical literature and translated several works from Latin and Greek. Among his most famous works are Il cappotto di astrakan (The Astrakhan Coat), La stanza del vescovo (The Bishop’s Room), and Pane e cioccolata (Bread and Chocolate).

What is Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub is a book that contains ten novels from the Decameron, translated and retold by Piero Chiara in a simple and engaging way. The book is in epub format, which means that it can be read on any digital device, such as a smartphone, a tablet, or an e-reader. The book was published by Mondadori Education in 2014 and is part of the Lettore Esperto series, a collection of narrative works for developing reading skills.

Which Novels are Included in Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

The book includes ten novels from different days and themes of the Decameron. They are:

  • Frate Cipolla e la penna dell’Arcangelo Gabriele (Brother Onion and the Feather of Archangel Gabriel): A humorous story about a friar who tricks the people of Certaldo with a fake relic.
  • Torello e il Saladino (Torello and Saladin): A touching story about a nobleman who loses everything and becomes a servant of the Sultan of Egypt.
  • Pietro e l’Agnolella (Pietro and Agnolella): A romantic story about two young lovers who face many dangers and obstacles to be together.
  • Cisti il fornaio e il re di Francia (Cisti the Baker and the King of France): A witty story about a baker who impresses the king with his cleverness and generosity.
  • Griselda e il marchese di Saluzzo (Griselda and the Marquis of Saluzzo): A tragic story about a woman who endures many trials and humiliations from her husband.
  • Caterina e Riccardo (Caterina and Riccardo): A comic story about a girl who sneaks out of her house to meet her lover with the help of her maid.
  • Calandrino e l’elitropia (Calandrino and the Heliotrope): A funny story about a painter who is fooled by his friends into believing that he has found a magic stone.
  • Andreuccio da Perugia e il rubino (Andreuccio da Perugia and the Ruby): An adventurous story about a merchant who gets involved in a series of mishaps in Naples.
  • Federigo degli Alberighi e il falcone (Federigo degli Alberighi and the Falcon): A moving story about a knight who sacrifices his prized falcon for the woman he loves.
  • Giletta di Nerbona e il conte di Roussillon (Giletta di Nerbona and the Count of Roussillon): A clever story about a woman who cures the king of France and marries the man she desires.

Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub

Are you looking for a classic and captivating book to read on your digital device? Do you want to enjoy the timeless stories of Boccaccio, one of the greatest Italian writers of all time? If so, you might be interested in Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub, a book that offers a modern and lively version of ten novels from the Decameron, translated and retold by Piero Chiara, a renowned 20th-century author.

What is the Decameron?

The Decameron is a collection of 100 novels written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the 14th century. It is considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and a landmark of the Renaissance. The novels are set in Florence during the Black Death, a plague that killed millions of people in Europe. To escape the disease, ten young people (seven women and three men) decide to leave the city and take refuge in a villa in the countryside. There, they entertain themselves by telling stories on various themes, such as love, fortune, wit, trickery, and morality.

Who is Piero Chiara?

Piero Chiara was an Italian writer and journalist who lived from 1913 to 1986. He was born in Luino, a town on Lake Maggiore, and spent most of his life in Lombardy. He wrote novels, short stories, essays, and poems, often inspired by his native region and its history and culture. He was also a lover of classical literature and translated several works from Latin and Greek. Among his most famous works are Il cappotto di astrakan (The Astrakhan Coat), La stanza del vescovo (The Bishop’s Room), and Pane e cioccolata (Bread and Chocolate).

What is Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub is a book that contains ten novels from the Decameron, translated and retold by Piero Chiara in a simple and engaging way. The book is in epub format, which means that it can be read on any digital device, such as a smartphone, a tablet, or an e-reader. The book was published by Mondadori Education in 2014 and is part of the Lettore Esperto series, a collection of narrative works for developing reading skills.

Which Novels are Included in Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

The book includes ten novels from different days and themes of the Decameron. They are:

  • Frate Cipolla e la penna dell’Arcangelo Gabriele (Brother Onion and the Feather of Archangel Gabriel): A humorous story about a friar who tricks the people of Certaldo with a fake relic.
  • Torello e il Saladino (Torello and Saladin): A touching story about a nobleman who loses everything and becomes a servant of the Sultan of Egypt.
  • Pietro e l’Agnolella (Pietro and Agnolella): A romantic story about two young lovers who face many dangers and obstacles to be together.
  • Cisti il fornaio e il re di Francia (Cisti the Baker and the King of France): A witty story about a baker who impresses the king with his cleverness and generosity.
  • Griselda e il marchese di Saluzzo (Griselda and the Marquis of Saluzzo): A tragic story about a woman who endures many trials and humiliations from her husband.
  • Caterina e Riccardo (Caterina and Riccardo): A comic story about a girl who sneaks out of her house to meet her lover with the help of her maid.
  • Calandrino e l’elitropia (Calandrino and the Heliotrope): A funny story about a painter who is fooled by his friends into believing that he has found a magic stone.
  • Andreuccio da Perugia e il rubino (Andreuccio da Perugia and the Ruby): An adventurous story about a merchant who gets involved in a series of mishaps in Naples.
  • Federigo degli Alberighi e il falcone (Federigo degli Alberighi and the Falcon): A moving story about a knight who sacrifices his prized falcon for the woman he loves.
  • Giletta di Nerbona e il conte di Roussillon (Giletta di Nerbona and the Count of Roussillon): A clever story about a woman who cures the king of France and marries the man she desires.

Why Should You Read Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

There are many reasons why you should read Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub. Here are some of them:

  • You will discover or rediscover some of the most famous and fascinating stories from the Italian literature, written by Boccaccio with elegance, humor, and wisdom.
  • You will enjoy Piero Chiara’s style and voice, which make the stories more accessible and appealing for modern readers, without losing their original charm and flavor.
  • You will learn more about the culture and society of the 14th century Italy, as well as its history, politics, religion, art, and customs.
  • You will have fun reading the stories on your digital device, thanks to the epub format that allows you to adjust the font size, brightness, orientation, and other settings according to your preferences.

Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub

Are you looking for a classic and captivating book to read on your digital device? Do you want to enjoy the timeless stories of Boccaccio, one of the greatest Italian writers of all time? If so, you might be interested in Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub, a book that offers a modern and lively version of ten novels from the Decameron, translated and retold by Piero Chiara, a renowned 20th-century author.

What is the Decameron?

The Decameron is a collection of 100 novels written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the 14th century. It is considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and a landmark of the Renaissance. The novels are set in Florence during the Black Death, a plague that killed millions of people in Europe. To escape the disease, ten young people (seven women and three men) decide to leave the city and take refuge in a villa in the countryside. There, they entertain themselves by telling stories on various themes, such as love, fortune, wit, trickery, and morality.

Who is Piero Chiara?

Piero Chiara was an Italian writer and journalist who lived from 1913 to 1986. He was born in Luino, a town on Lake Maggiore, and spent most of his life in Lombardy. He wrote novels, short stories, essays, and poems, often inspired by his native region and its history and culture. He was also a lover of classical literature and translated several works from Latin and Greek. Among his most famous works are Il cappotto di astrakan (The Astrakhan Coat), La stanza del vescovo (The Bishop’s Room), and Pane e cioccolata (Bread and Chocolate).

What is Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub is a book that contains ten novels from the Decameron, translated and retold by Piero Chiara in a simple and engaging way. The book is in epub format, which means that it can be read on any digital device, such as a smartphone, a tablet, or an e-reader. The book was published by Mondadori Education in 2014 and is part of the Lettore Esperto series, a collection of narrative works for developing reading skills.

Which Novels are Included in Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

The book includes ten novels from different days and themes of the Decameron. They are:

  • Frate Cipolla e la penna dell’Arcangelo Gabriele (Brother Onion and the Feather of Archangel Gabriel): A humorous story about a friar who tricks the people of Certaldo with a fake relic.
  • Torello e il Saladino (Torello and Saladin): A touching story about a nobleman who loses everything and becomes a servant of the Sultan of Egypt.
  • Pietro e l’Agnolella (Pietro and Agnolella): A romantic story about two young lovers who face many dangers and obstacles to be together.
  • Cisti il fornaio e il re di Francia (Cisti the Baker and the King of France): A witty story about a baker who impresses the king with his cleverness and generosity.
  • Griselda e il marchese di Saluzzo (Griselda and the Marquis of Saluzzo): A tragic story about a woman who endures many trials and humiliations from her husband.
  • Caterina e Riccardo (Caterina and Riccardo): A comic story about a girl who sneaks out of her house to meet her lover with the help of her maid.
  • Calandrino e l’elitropia (Calandrino and the Heliotrope): A funny story about a painter who is fooled by his friends into believing that he has found a magic stone.
  • Andreuccio da Perugia e il rubino (Andreuccio da Perugia and the Ruby): An adventurous story about a merchant who gets involved in a series of mishaps in Naples.
  • Federigo degli Alberighi e il falcone (Federigo degli Alberighi and the Falcon): A moving story about a knight who sacrifices his prized falcon for the woman he loves.
  • Giletta di Nerbona e il conte di Roussillon (Giletta di Nerbona and the Count of Roussillon): A clever story about a woman who cures the king of France and marries the man she desires.

How to Download and Read Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub?

If you want to download and read Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub, you will need to follow some simple steps:

  1. Go to Mondadori Store website at
  2. Add the book to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  3. Create an account or log in with your existing one.
  4. Select your preferred payment method and confirm your order.
  5. You will receive an email with a link to download your epub file.
  6. Open the file with your favorite epub reader app or software.
  7. Enjoy reading Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub!


Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub is a book that you should not miss if you love classic and captivating stories. You will discover or rediscover the amazing world of Boccaccio, one of the greatest Italian writers of all time, and his 14th-century masterpiece, the Decameron. You will enjoy Piero Chiara’s translation and retelling, which make the stories more accessible and appealing for modern readers, without losing their original charm and flavor. You will learn more about the culture and society of the 14th-century Italy, as well as its history, politics, religion, art, and customs. You will have fun reading the stories on your digital device, thanks to the epub format that allows you to adjust the font size, brightness, orientation, and other settings according to your preferences. You can download and read Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub from Mondadori Store website at

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and have fun reading Decamerone: Dieci Novelle Raccontate da Piero Chiara Epub![BabuPC]


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