Dbs Studio Follow Me Service For Fs2004l

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004: A Must-Have Tool for Flight Sim Enthusiasts

If you are a fan of flight simulation games, you probably know how challenging and realistic it can be to navigate through complex airports. Sometimes, you may get lost while taxiing, or miss the correct gate or runway. That’s why you need a reliable and easy-to-use tool that can guide you through any airport, any plane, any car, and any place within the airport.

That tool is Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004, a unique add-on that integrates into your flight simulator environment and allows you to request a follow me car anytime you need it. Whether you want to go from the gate to the runway, from the parking to the fuel station, or from the runway to the cargo dock, you can simply call for the follow me service and follow the car to your destination.

How Does It Work?

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 is very easy to use and works with any airport, any plane, and any car from the simulator list or from the internet resources. You can access it through a transparent dialog like ATC, and choose your destination from a list of options. The follow me car will then appear and guide you with realistic lights and sounds. You can adjust the speed of the car according to your preference, and enjoy a smooth and fast navigation.

The follow me service is not only useful for taxiing, but also for exploring new airports and learning their layouts. You can request a tour of the airport, and see all the facilities and landmarks. You can also use the follow me service for emergency situations, such as engine failure or bad weather. The follow me car will help you find a safe place to land or park.

Why Do You Need It?

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 is a must-have tool for flight sim enthusiasts who want to enhance their simulation experience and realism. It adds a new dimension of interaction and immersion to your flights, and makes taxiing more fun and easy. It also helps you avoid getting lost or confused in complex airports, and saves you time and fuel.

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 is compatible with FS2004 only, and requires an internet connection for activation. You can download it from PC Aviator Australia or simFlight, and enjoy a new age in taxiing!

What Are the Features of Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004?

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 has many features that make it a versatile and convenient tool for flight simmers. Some of the main features are:

  • Any car from simulator list, any car from flight simulator’s internet resources. You can choose from a variety of vehicles to suit your preference and the airport environment. You can also download more cars from the internet and use them with the follow me service.
  • Integration into simulator environment. The follow me service works seamlessly with your flight simulator, and does not require any external programs or modules. You can access it through a simple keyboard shortcut or a menu option.
  • Transparent dialogs like ATC. The follow me service communicates with you through realistic and clear voice messages, similar to the ATC system. You can also see the text messages on your screen, and adjust the volume and language of the voice.
  • Easy navigation, fast response. The follow me service responds quickly to your requests, and guides you with accurate and smooth movements. You can follow the car easily by looking at its lights and signs, and hear its horn and engine sounds.
  • Follow to the car and never get lost in any airport. The follow me service can take you to any place within the airport, such as gates, runways, parking areas, fuel stations, cargo docks, etc. You can also request a tour of the airport, or an emergency landing or parking.

How to Get Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004?

If you are interested in getting Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004, you can download it from PC Aviator Australia or simFlight. The download size is 1.7 MB, and the price is AUD $21.29. You will need an internet connection for activation, and a valid copy of FS2004 installed on your computer.

Once you download and install the follow me service, you can start using it right away. You can access it through a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+F12 by default) or a menu option (Add-ons > DBS > FollowMe). You can also customize the settings of the follow me service, such as the default speed of the car, the voice language, the volume, etc.

What Are the Reviews of Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004?

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 has received mixed reviews from the flight sim community. Some users have praised the idea and the functionality of the follow me service, and have enjoyed using it in their flights. They have found it helpful, realistic, and fun to use.

However, some users have also reported some issues and bugs with the follow me service, and have expressed their dissatisfaction with the product. They have encountered problems with the settings, the positioning of the follow me car, the communication, and the activation. They have also complained about the lack of support from DBS Studio, and have felt that they have wasted their money on this product.

Therefore, Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 is a product that may appeal to some flight simmers, but may also disappoint others. It has some potential and features that make it a unique and useful tool, but it also has some flaws and drawbacks that need to be fixed and improved. It is advisable to read some reviews and watch some videos before buying this product, and to download the latest updates from DBS Studio’s website.

How Does Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 Compare to Other Products?

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 is not the only product that offers a follow me car feature for flight simmers. There are other products that have similar or different functions and characteristics. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • Aerosoft – Follow Me 2 for FS2004 and FSX. This product allows you to request a follow me car at any airport, and also provides you with a marshaller service at the gate. You can choose from different types of cars and liveries, and customize the settings of the follow me car. You can also use the follow me car as a free camera to explore the airport.
  • JARDesign – Follow Me Car for X-Plane 10 and 11. This product adds a dedicated menu in which you can directly select your runway in the list, or enter a custom one. The follow me car will then guide you with realistic animations and sounds. You can also use the follow me car to explore the airport, or to create your own routes and save them.
  • DBS Studio – Follow Me Service for FSX. This product is similar to the FS2004 version, but with some improvements and differences. It has a new interface, a new voice system, a new car model, and more options and destinations. It also works with any scenery, default or addon.

These products have their own advantages and disadvantages, and may appeal to different types of flight simmers. Some may prefer a more simple and easy-to-use product, while others may want a more complex and realistic one. Some may want a product that works with their preferred simulator, while others may want a product that works with multiple simulators. Ultimately, the choice depends on the personal preference and budget of each user.

What Are the Benefits of Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004?

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 has many benefits that make it a valuable and enjoyable tool for flight simmers. Some of the main benefits are:

  • It enhances the realism and immersion of your flight simulation experience. By using the follow me service, you can feel like you are really at a busy and complex airport, and interact with the ground staff and vehicles. You can also learn more about the airport layout and facilities, and improve your taxiing skills.
  • It adds variety and fun to your flights. By using the follow me service, you can spice up your flights with different scenarios and challenges. You can request a follow me car for different purposes, such as going to the gate, taking a tour, or finding an emergency spot. You can also choose different cars and destinations, and enjoy the realistic animations and sounds.
  • It saves you time and fuel. By using the follow me service, you can avoid getting lost or confused in unfamiliar airports, and waste your time and fuel wandering around. You can simply follow the car to your desired location, and save your precious resources.
  • It works with any airport, any plane, and any car. By using the follow me service, you can use it at any airport in the world, whether it is default or addon. You can also use it with any plane you like, whether it is small or large, propeller or jet. You can also choose any car from the simulator list or from the internet resources, and customize its appearance and performance.

These benefits make Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 a worthwhile and enjoyable tool for flight simmers who want to enhance their simulation experience and realism. It is a unique and useful tool that adds a new dimension of interaction and immersion to your flights.

How to Use Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004?

Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 is very easy to use and does not require any complex installation or configuration. You can use it in a few simple steps:

  1. Download and install the follow me service from PC Aviator Australia or simFlight. You will need an internet connection for activation.
  2. Start your flight simulator and load your flight at any airport.
  3. Press Ctrl+F12 (or the keyboard shortcut you assigned) or go to Add-ons > DBS > FollowMe to access the follow me service menu.
  4. Select your destination from the list of options, such as gate, runway, fuel station, etc. You can also enter a custom destination by typing its name or code.
  5. Wait for the follow me car to appear and guide you with its lights and signs. You can also hear its voice messages and see its text messages on your screen.
  6. Follow the car to your destination and enjoy the ride. You can adjust the speed of the car by pressing + or – on your keyboard. You can also cancel the follow me service by pressing Esc or selecting Cancel in the menu.

That’s it! You have successfully used Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004. You can use it as many times as you want, at any airport, with any plane, and with any car. Have fun!


Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 is a unique and useful tool that allows you to request a follow me car at any airport, and follow it to your destination. It enhances the realism and immersion of your flight simulation experience, and adds variety and fun to your flights. It also saves you time and fuel, and works with any airport, any plane, and any car. It is very easy to use and does not require any complex installation or configuration.

If you are a flight sim enthusiast who wants to enhance your simulation experience and realism, you should give Dbs Studio Follow Me Service for FS2004 a try. You can download it from PC Aviator Australia or simFlight, and enjoy a new age in taxiing!



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