Candy Girls Model Agency

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Candy Girls Model Agency: The Sweetest Way to Start Your Modeling Career

If you have ever dreamed of becoming a model, you might have heard of Candy Girls Model Agency, one of the leading kids’ agencies in the UK. But what is it like to work with them and how can you join their roster of sweet and talented models?

What is Candy Girls Model Agency?

Candy Girls Model Agency is a London-based talent agency that represents young models, actors and voice artists for various projects across the media industry. They have been in business since 2003 and have a reputation for being professional, diverse and friendly. They work with UK and international clients, such as Vogue Bambini, Stella McCartney, Disney, BBC and many more .

What are the benefits of working with Candy Girls Model Agency?

Working with Candy Girls Model Agency can offer you many benefits, such as:

  • Exposure to a wide range of opportunities and clients
  • Guidance and support from experienced agents and mentors
  • Training and development to improve your skills and confidence
  • A positive and fun working environment
  • A fair and transparent payment system
  • A chance to make new friends and network with other models

How can you apply to Candy Girls Model Agency?

If you are interested in applying to Candy Girls Model Agency, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Check if you meet their criteria. They are looking for enthusiastic, energetic, friendly, happy and chatty young talent for commercials, modelling and voiceovers. However, they only consider artists who live within 2 hours journey time from Central London.
  2. Fill out their online application form. You will need to provide your personal details, measurements, skills, experience and some recent photos of yourself.
  3. Wait for their response. They will review your application and get back to you within 4 weeks if they are interested in meeting you.
  4. Attend an audition or interview. If they invite you for an audition or interview, you will need to prepare yourself and show them your personality and potential.
  5. Sign a contract. If they offer you a contract, you will need to read it carefully and agree to their terms and conditions.

Candy Girls Model Agency does not charge a joining or registration fee. However, they do require the artist to cover the costs of setting up and creating the artist’s portfolio on the agency’s online website publication.[30.10.2018]%20(WIN)


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