Annelids Online Battle Game Download !!TOP!!

Annelids Online Battle: A Worms-like Game with Destructible Terrain and Fun Modes

Do you like worms? No, not the slimy creatures that live in the soil, but the cute and funny ones that star in the popular Worms video game series. If you do, then you will love Annelids Online Battle, a game that is inspired by Worms but has its own unique features and charm.

Annelids Online Battle is a game where you control a worm and battle other worms in a fully destructible underground world. You can choose from various game modes, such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Conquest, King of the Hill, and more. You can also use a variety of weapons and items to blast your enemies away or create havoc in the environment. You can play online with other players from around the world, offline with AI bots, or with Bluetooth with your friends.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install Annelids Online Battle on your device, how to play it, how to enjoy it with friends or other players, and some tips and tricks to improve your skills. By the end of this article, you will be ready to join the fun and exciting world of Annelids Online Battle.

How to Download and Install Annelids Online Battle on Your Device

Annelids Online Battle is available for both Android and iOS devices. You can download it from the Google Play Store or the App Store for free. Here are the steps to download and install Annelids Online Battle on your device:

  1. Open the Google Play Store or the App Store on your device.
  2. Search for “Annelids Online Battle” in the search bar.
  3. Tap on the game icon that appears in the results.
  4. Tap on the “Install” button to start downloading the game.
  5. Wait for the download to finish and then tap on the “Open” button to launch the game.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed Annelids Online Battle on your device. Now you can start playing and having fun.

How to Play Annelids Online Battle

Annelids Online Battle is easy to learn but hard to master. You will need to practice your skills and strategies to win against your opponents. Here are some basic instructions on how to play Annelids Online Battle:

Choosing a game mode

When you launch the game, you will see a menu with different options, such as Play Online, Play Offline, Play with Bluetooth, Missions, Settings, and More Games. You can tap on any of these options to choose a game mode that suits your preference. Here are some brief descriptions of each game mode:

  • Play Online: This mode allows you to play online with other players from around the world. You can join or create a room, choose a map and settings, and chat with other players. You can also see your rank and stats in the online leaderboard.
  • Play Offline: This mode allows you to play offline with AI bots. You can choose the number and difficulty of the bots, the map and settings, and the game mode. This is a good way to practice your skills and have fun without an internet connection.
  • Play with Bluetooth: This mode allows you to play with your friends who are nearby and have the game installed on their devices. You can connect with them via Bluetooth and play together on the same map and settings.
  • Missions: This mode allows you to complete 68 missions with different objectives and rewards. You can unlock new weapons, items, hats, flags, and more by completing the missions. You can also see your progress and achievements in the mission menu.
  • Settings: This option allows you to customize your game experience by changing the sound, music, language, controls, graphics, and other options.
  • More Games: This option allows you to discover more games by the same developer of Annelids Online Battle. You can see the screenshots, descriptions, ratings, and links of the other games.

You can choose any game mode that you like and start playing Annelids Online Battle.

Controlling your worm

Controlling your worm is simple and intuitive. You can use the virtual joystick on the left side of the screen to move your worm left or right. You can also tap on the jump button on the right side of the screen to make your worm jump. You can double tap or hold the jump button to make your worm jump higher or longer.

To aim and shoot, you can use the virtual joystick on the right side of the screen. You can drag it in any direction to aim your weapon. You can also tap on the fire button on the right side of the screen to shoot your weapon. You can hold the fire button to charge some weapons for more power or accuracy.

To use items, you can tap on the item button on the right side of the screen. You can see your current item on the bottom right corner of the screen. You can also swipe left or right on the item button to switch between different items. Some items are passive and activate automatically, while others are active and require you to tap on them to use them.

You can also see your health bar, ammo count, weapon name, item name, timer, score, and mini-map on the top of the screen. You can use these information to plan your strategy and tactics.

Exploring the maps

Annelids Online Battle has many maps that you can explore and destroy. The maps are procedurally generated, which means they are different every time you play. The maps also have different themes and hazards, such as desert, forest, ice, lava, spikes, water, etc. You can see the theme and name of the map before you start playing.

The maps are fully destructible, which means you can destroy any part of the terrain with your weapons or items. You can create holes, tunnels, bridges, or walls to suit your needs. You can also use the terrain to hide, ambush, or escape from your enemies. However, you should also be careful of the terrain, as it can also harm you or block your shots.

Exploring the maps is one of the most fun and exciting aspects of Annelids Online Battle. You can discover new places, secrets, and surprises every time you play.

Using weapons

Annelids Online Battle has a wide range of weapons that you can use to attack your enemies or destroy the terrain. There are 38 unique weapons and 9 secret ones that you can unlock by completing missions or finding them in the maps. Each weapon has different effects and interactions with the environment and other weapons.

Some of the weapons are:

  • Bazooka: A classic weapon that fires a rocket that explodes on impact.
  • Grenade: A weapon that throws a grenade that explodes after a few seconds or when it hits an enemy.
  • Shotgun: A weapon that fires a spread of bullets that can hit multiple targets.
  • Sniper: A weapon that fires a single bullet that can pierce through enemies and terrain.
  • Flamethrower: A weapon that sprays fire that can burn enemies and terrain.
  • Mine: A weapon that places a mine that explodes when an enemy steps on it or when it is shot.
  • Drill: A weapon that drills through the terrain and creates a tunnel.
  • Nuke: A weapon that launches a nuclear missile that causes a massive explosion and radiation.
  • Rainbow: A weapon that fires a rainbow beam that bounces off walls and enemies.

You can see the name, description, damage, range, ammo, and rarity of each weapon in the weapon menu. You can also see the icon of your current weapon on the bottom left corner of the screen. You can swipe left or right on the weapon icon to switch between different weapons. You can also tap on the weapon icon to see more information about your current weapon.

Using weapons is one of the most important and strategic aspects of Annelids Online Battle. You will need to choose the right weapon for the right situation and use it wisely and effectively.

Customizing your worm

Annelids Online Battle allows you to customize your worm and make it your own. You can change its name, color, hat, flag, and more. You can also see your worm’s stats, such as kills, deaths, wins, losses, etc.

To customize your worm, you can tap on the worm icon on the top left corner of the screen. You will see a menu with different options, such as Name, Color, Hat, Flag, Stats, and Reset. You can tap on any of these options to change your worm’s appearance or see its stats. You can also see a preview of your worm on the right side of the menu.

Customizing your worm is one of the most fun and personal aspects of Annelids Online Battle. You can express your personality and style with your worm and stand out from the crowd.

How to Enjoy Annelids Online Battle with Friends or Other Players

Annelids Online Battle is not only a game for solo players but also a game for social players. You can enjoy Annelids Online Battle with your friends or other players in various ways. Here are some of them:

Playing online

Playing online is one of the best ways to enjoy Annelids Online Battle with other players from around the world. You can join or create a room, choose a map and settings, and chat with other players. You can also see your rank and stats in the online leaderboard.

To play online, you will need an internet connection and an account. You can create an account by tapping on the account icon on the top right corner of the screen. You will need to enter a username, password, email, and country. You can also log in with your Google or Facebook account.

To join or create a room, you can tap on the Play Online option in the main menu. You will see a list of rooms that are available or in progress. You can tap on any room to join it or tap on the Create Room button to create your own room. You can also use filters to find rooms that match your preferences.

To choose a map and settings, you can tap on the Map button on the bottom left corner of the screen. You will see a list of maps that you can choose from. You can also see the theme, name, and size of each map. You can tap on any map to select it or tap on the Random button to choose a random map.

To change the settings, you can tap on the Settings button on the bottom right corner of the screen. You will see a menu with different options, such as Game Mode, Time Limit, Score Limit, Worms Per Team, Weapon Set, Item Set, and more. You can tap on any of these options to change them or tap on the Default button to reset them to the default values.

To chat with other players, you can tap on the Chat button on the top right corner of the screen. You will see a chat window where you can type and send messages to other players. You can also use emojis and stickers to express yourself.

Playing online is one of the most fun and competitive ways to enjoy Annelids Online Battle with other players. You can challenge yourself and others, make new friends, and have a blast.

Playing offline

Playing offline is one of the best ways to enjoy Annelids Online Battle with AI bots. You can choose the number and difficulty of the bots, the map and settings, and the game mode. This is a good way to practice your skills and have fun without an internet connection.

To play offline, you do not need an internet connection or an account. You can tap on the Play Offline option in the main menu. You will see a menu with different options, such as Bots, Map, Settings, and Start.

To choose the number and difficulty of the bots, you can tap on the Bots option. You will see a list of bots that you can add or remove from your game. You can also see their names, colors, hats, flags, and difficulty levels. You can tap on any bot to change its settings or tap on the Add Bot button to add a new bot.

To choose the map and settings, you can follow the same steps as in playing online. You can tap on the Map option to choose a map or tap on the Settings option to change the settings.

To start playing offline, you can tap on the Start button on the bottom right corner of the screen. You will see a loading screen and then you will enter the game.

Playing offline is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable ways to enjoy Annelids Online Battle with AI bots. You can play at your own pace and have fun without any pressure or interruption.

Playing with Bluetooth

Playing with Bluetooth is one of the best ways to enjoy Annelids Online Battle with your friends who are nearby and have the game installed on their devices. You can connect with them via Bluetooth and play together on the same map and settings.

To play with Bluetooth, you will need a Bluetooth connection and an account. You can create an account by following the same steps as in playing online. You can tap on You will need to practice your skills and strategies to win against your opponents. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your game and have more fun:

Mastering the grappling hook

The grappling hook is a versatile tool that can help you move faster, reach higher places, or pull enemies closer. You can use the grappling hook by tapping on the hook button on the right side of the screen. You can aim and shoot the hook by using the virtual joystick on the right side of the screen. You can also retract the hook by tapping on the hook button again.

You can use the grappling hook to swing from one point to another, to climb up walls or ceilings, to cross gaps or obstacles, or to grab items or enemies. You can also use the grappling hook to change your direction or momentum in mid-air, to dodge enemy attacks, or to surprise your enemies.

The grappling hook is one of the most useful and fun tools in Annelids Online Battle. You can master the grappling hook by practicing and experimenting with it in different situations.

Using the environment to your advantage

The environment in Annelids Online Battle is not only a backdrop but also a weapon and a shield. You can use the environment to your advantage by destroying terrain, using items, or avoiding hazards.

You can destroy terrain with your weapons or items to create cover, traps, or shortcuts. You can also use the terrain to block enemy shots or to expose enemy positions. You can also create holes or tunnels to hide, ambush, or escape from your enemies.

You can use items like barrels, mines, or crates to damage your enemies or the terrain. You can also use items like health packs, ammo boxes, or jetpacks to heal yourself, replenish your ammo, or fly in the air. You can find items scattered around the map or dropped by enemies.

You can avoid hazards like lava, spikes, or water that can harm you or slow you down. You can also use hazards to harm your enemies or to create obstacles for them. You can also use hazards to trigger chain reactions or explosions that can cause more damage.

The environment in Annelids Online Battle is one of the most dynamic and interactive aspects of the game. You can use the environment to your advantage by being creative and adaptive.

Completing missions

Missions are a great way to challenge yourself and earn rewards in Annelids Online Battle. Missions are tasks that you have to complete in a specific game mode or map with specific conditions or objectives. For example, you may have to kill a certain number of enemies with a certain weapon in a certain map.

You can access missions by tapping on the Missions option in the main menu. You will see a list of missions that you can choose from. You will also see the objective, reward, and progress of each mission. You can tap on any mission to start it or tap on the Back button to return to the main menu.

You can complete missions by playing in the game mode and map that are specified in the mission. You will see a notification when you complete a mission or when you make progress towards it. You will also see a notification when you earn a reward for completing a mission.

You can earn rewards such as new weapons, items, hats, flags, and more by completing missions. You can also unlock new missions by completing previous ones. You can see your rewards and unlocked missions in the mission menu.

Missions are one of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of Annelids Online Battle. You can complete missions by being skillful and strategic.


Annelids Online Battle is a game that offers fun and excitement for everyone who loves worms and battles. You can download and install Annelids Online Battle on your device for free and start playing right away. You can play online with other players from around the world, offline with AI bots, or with Bluetooth with your friends. You can also choose from various game modes, weapons, items, maps, and settings to suit your preference and style. You can also customize your worm and make it your own. You can also improve your skills and strategies by mastering the grappling hook, using the environment to your advantage, and completing missions.

Annelids Online Battle is a game that you should not miss if you are looking for a worm-like game with destructible terrain and fun modes. It is a game that will keep you entertained and engaged for hours and hours.

So what are you waiting for? Download Annelids Online Battle now and join the fun and exciting world of worms!

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As a bonus, here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Annelids Online Battle that you may find helpful:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is Annelids Online Battle free to play?
  2. Yes, Annelids Online Battle is free to play. You can download and install it on your device for free and play as much as you want. However, the game does have some optional in-app purchases that can enhance your game experience, such as removing ads, unlocking all weapons and items, or getting more coins.

  3. How can I get more coins in Annelids Online Battle?
  4. Coins are the currency in Annelids Online Battle that you can use to buy new weapons, items, hats, flags, and more. You can get more coins by playing the game, completing missions, watching ads, or buying them with real money.

  5. How can I unlock the secret weapons in Annelids Online Battle?
  6. The secret weapons are the most powerful and rare weapons in Annelids Online Battle. You can unlock them by completing certain missions or finding them in certain maps. For example, you can unlock the Nuke by completing the mission “Nuke ‘em All” or finding it in the map “Nuclear Plant”. You can see the name and description of each secret weapon in the weapon menu.

  7. How can I report a bug or a problem in Annelids Online Battle?
  8. If you encounter a bug or a problem in Annelids Online Battle, you can report it to the developer by tapping on the More Games option in the main menu and then tapping on the Feedback button. You can also email the developer at or visit their website at

  9. How can I support the developer of Annelids Online Battle?
  10. If you enjoy Annelids Online Battle and want to support the developer, you can do so by rating and reviewing the game on the Google Play Store or the App Store, sharing the game with your friends, or buying some of the in-app purchases. You can also check out their other games by tapping on the More Games option in the main menu.

I hope you found this article useful and informative. Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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