Kitab Al Aufaq Pdf Free ((EXCLUSIVE)) 📛

How to Download Kitab Al Aufaq Pdf for Free and Learn the Secrets of Magic

If you are interested in learning the secrets of magic, occultism, and esotericism, you might have heard of Kitab Al Aufaq, a book attributed to Imam Al-Ghazali, one of the most influential Muslim scholars and mystics. Kitab Al Aufaq means “The Book of Horizons” and it contains various prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations that are said to have miraculous effects and benefits.

However, finding a copy of Kitab Al Aufaq is not easy, as it is a rare and valuable resource that is only available in certain libraries, museums, or private collections. Moreover, the book is written in Arabic and requires a high level of knowledge and understanding to decipher its meanings and secrets. Therefore, many people who want to learn from Kitab Al Aufaq are looking for a way to download it in pdf format for free.

In this article, we will show you how to download Kitab Al Aufaq pdf for free and what you need to know before you start reading it. We will also explain what Kitab Al Aufaq is and why it is considered one of the most important books of magic and spirituality in Islam.

What is Kitab Al Aufaq?

Kitab Al Aufaq is a book that was allegedly written by Imam Al-Ghazali, a famous Muslim scholar, jurist, theologian, philosopher, and mystic who lived in the 11th and 12th centuries CE. He is best known for his magnum opus Ihya Ulumuddin (The Revival of the Religious Sciences), a comprehensive work that covers all aspects of Islamic faith and practice.

However, Imam Al-Ghazali also had a keen interest in the occult and esoteric sciences, such as astrology, alchemy, numerology, and magic. He wrote several books on these topics, such as Mamba’ Ushul Hikmah (The Principles of Wisdom) and Syamsul Ma’arif Al-Kubro (The Great Sun of Gnosis). Kitab Al Aufaq is one of his most famous works on magic and spirituality.

Kitab Al Aufaq means “The Book of Horizons” and it refers to the horizons of the divine names and attributes of Allah. The book contains various prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations that are based on the names of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These names are believed to have powerful effects on the physical and spiritual realms, such as healing diseases, warding off evil, attracting love, gaining wealth, defeating enemies, and so on.

The book also explains the rules and conditions for using these names and talismans properly and ethically. It warns against using them for evil purposes or without sincere faith and trust in Allah. It also emphasizes the importance of following the Islamic law (sharia) and ethics (akhlaq) in all aspects of life.

How to Download Kitab Al Aufaq Pdf for Free?

If you want to download Kitab Al Aufaq pdf for free, you need to be careful about the source and quality of the file. There are many websites that claim to offer free downloads of Kitab Al Aufaq pdf, but some of them may contain viruses, malware, or corrupted files that can harm your device or compromise your privacy.

Therefore, we recommend that you use a trusted and reliable website that offers high-quality pdf files of Kitab Al Aufaq. One such website is Duta Islam, which provides a link to download Kitab Al Aufaq pdf for free. The file size is 15.8 MB and it has 57 pages. The pdf file is scanned from an original copy of Kitab Al Aufaq that was printed by Maktabah Isya’atul Islam.

To download Kitab Al Aufaq pdf for free from Duta Islam website, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on this link: Kitab Hikmah Al-Aufaq Ghazali (Download PDF).
  2. Scroll down until you see a section titled “IDENTITAS KITAB”.
  3. Under this section, you will see a sub-section titled “Link Download”.
  4. Click on the link that says “Kitab Al-Aufaq (PDF)”.
  5. You will be redirected to another website called MediaFire.
  6. On MediaFire website, click on the green button that says “Download”.
  7. The download will start automatically. You can choose where to save the file on your device.
  8. Once the download is complete, you can open the file with any pdf reader software or app.

What are the Benefits of Reading Kitab Al Aufaq?

Reading Kitab Al Aufaq can have many benefits for those who are interested in magic and spirituality, as well as for those who want to improve their relationship with Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him). Some of the benefits of reading Kitab Al Aufaq are:

  • It can increase one’s knowledge and understanding of the divine names and attributes of Allah, which are the keys to unlocking the secrets of the universe and attaining closeness to Him.
  • It can enhance one’s faith and trust in Allah and His power and wisdom, which can help one overcome difficulties and challenges in life.
  • It can provide one with protection and guidance from Allah, as well as His blessings and mercy, by using the prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations that are prescribed in the book.
  • It can help one achieve various goals and desires, such as healing, wealth, love, success, victory, etc., by invoking the names of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) that are relevant to each situation.
  • It can inspire one to follow the example of Imam Al-Ghazali, who was a master of both the outward and inward sciences of Islam, and who balanced between sharia and haqiqa (reality).

However, reading Kitab Al Aufaq also requires some caution and responsibility, as it is not a book for everyone or for every time. Some of the things that one should be aware of before reading Kitab Al Aufaq are:

  • One should have a sound and correct belief in Allah and His oneness (tawheed), and avoid any form of shirk (associating partners with Him) or bid’ah (innovation) that may contradict the teachings of Islam.
  • One should have a sincere intention and a pure heart when reading Kitab Al Aufaq, and not use it for evil or selfish purposes that may harm oneself or others.
  • One should have a good command of Arabic language and grammar, as well as a background in Islamic sciences, such as fiqh (jurisprudence), usul al-fiqh (principles of jurisprudence), tafsir (exegesis), hadith (prophetic traditions), etc., to be able to understand the meanings and implications of Kitab Al Aufaq.
  • One should seek the guidance and supervision of a qualified and trustworthy teacher or scholar who is well versed in Kitab Al Aufaq and its secrets, and who can explain its contents and applications correctly.
  • One should not rely solely on Kitab Al Aufaq or any other book of magic or spirituality, but rather use it as a means to an end, which is to worship Allah alone and follow His messenger (peace be upon him).

How to Read Kitab Al Aufaq?

Reading Kitab Al Aufaq is not like reading any other book. It requires a certain level of preparation, concentration, and devotion, as well as some etiquette and manners. Here are some of the steps and tips that can help one read Kitab Al Aufaq properly and effectively:

  1. Before reading Kitab Al Aufaq, one should perform ablution (wudoo’) and pray two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer (nawafil) to seek Allah’s help and guidance.
  2. One should choose a suitable time and place for reading Kitab Al Aufaq, preferably in the early morning or late night, when the mind is clear and the distractions are minimal.
  3. One should read Kitab Al Aufaq with respect and reverence, and avoid touching it with impure hands or placing it on the floor or in an inappropriate place.
  4. One should read Kitab Al Aufaq with understanding and contemplation, and not rush or skip any part of it. One should also refer to the explanations and commentaries of the scholars who are well versed in Kitab Al Aufaq and its secrets.
  5. One should read Kitab Al Aufaq with sincerity and humility, and not boast or show off about it. One should also avoid arguing or disputing with others about Kitab Al Aufaq or its contents.
  6. One should read Kitab Al Aufaq with the intention of benefiting oneself and others, and not harming or hurting anyone. One should also follow the rules and conditions that are mentioned in Kitab Al Aufaq for using its prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations.
  7. One should read Kitab Al Aufaq with gratitude and appreciation, and thank Allah for granting him the opportunity and ability to read such a valuable and precious book.

What are some Examples of Kitab Al Aufaq Contents?

Kitab Al Aufaq contains a variety of contents that deal with different aspects of magic and spirituality. Some of the examples of Kitab Al Aufaq contents are:

  • The names of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) that have specific effects and benefits, such as Al-Muhyi (The Giver of Life), Al-Mumit (The Taker of Life), Al-Wahhab (The Bestower), Al-Qahhar (The Subduer), Al-Muqaddim (The Expediter), Al-Mu’akhkhir (The Delayer), Muhammad (The Praised One), Ahmad (The Most Praised One), etc.
  • The prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations that are based on these names and their numerical values, such as the prayer for protection from enemies, the talisman for attracting love, the symbol for gaining wealth, the invocation for healing diseases, etc.
  • The rules and conditions for using these prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations properly and ethically, such as the times and places for reciting them, the number and manner of repetitions, the purity and sincerity of the intention, the avoidance of harm and injustice, etc.
  • The explanations and commentaries on the meanings and secrets of these prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations, as well as their proofs and evidences from the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
  • The stories and anecdotes that illustrate the effects and benefits of these prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations, as well as the dangers and harms of misusing them or neglecting them.

For example, one of the contents of Kitab Al Aufaq is the name of Allah Al-Wahhab (The Bestower), which has a numerical value of 14. The book says that whoever writes this name on a piece of paper or cloth with saffron or musk on a Friday night, and then wears it around his neck or keeps it in his pocket, Allah will bestow upon him whatever he wishes. The book also explains the meaning and significance of this name, its proof from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, its conditions and etiquette, and its stories and examples.


Kitab Al Aufaq is a book of magic and spirituality that is attributed to Imam Al-Ghazali, one of the greatest Muslim scholars and mystics. It contains various prayers, talismans, symbols, and invocations that are based on the names of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him), and that have miraculous effects and benefits on the physical and spiritual realms. It also explains the rules and conditions for using these names and talismans properly and ethically, and warns against using them for evil purposes or without sincere faith and trust in Allah.

Kitab Al Aufaq is a rare and valuable resource that is not easy to find or access. Therefore, many people who want to learn from it are looking for a way to download it in pdf format for free. In this article, we have shown you how to download Kitab Al Aufaq pdf for free from a trusted and reliable website, and what you need to know before you start reading it. We have also explained what Kitab Al Aufaq is and why it is considered one of the most important books of magic and spirituality in Islam. We have also given you some examples of Kitab Al Aufaq contents and their effects and benefits.

We hope that this article has been useful and informative for you, and that you have learned something new and beneficial from it. We also hope that you will read Kitab Al Aufaq with respect and reverence, and with the intention of benefiting yourself and others, and not harming or hurting anyone. We also hope that you will follow the guidance and supervision of a qualified and trustworthy teacher or scholar who can help you understand Kitab Al Aufaq and its secrets correctly. And we hope that you will use Kitab Al Aufaq as a means to an end, which is to worship Allah alone and follow His messenger (peace be upon him).

May Allah bless you and grant you success in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.×64%20×


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