El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12

El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12: A Guide to the Egyptian Tarot

The Egyptian Tarot is one of the oldest and most mysterious forms of divination. It is based on the ancient symbols and myths of Egypt, a civilization that was rich in wisdom and magic. The Egyptian Tarot consists of 78 cards, divided into 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana represent the spiritual and cosmic forces that shape our destiny, while the Minor Arcana reflect the everyday aspects of our lives.

One of the best sources to learn about the Egyptian Tarot is the book by Kier, a publishing house that specializes in esoteric and occult topics. The book, titled “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto” (The Book of the Egyptian Tarot), was first published in 1971 and has been reprinted several times since then. The book contains a detailed description of each card, along with its meaning, symbolism, and interpretation. It also includes a history of the Egyptian Tarot, its origins, and its connection to other traditions such as astrology, numerology, and alchemy.

The book is available in PDF format online, which makes it easy to access and download. However, there is a catch: the PDF file has 12 pages missing. These pages correspond to the cards numbered from 13 to 24 in the Major Arcana, which are some of the most important and powerful cards in the deck. These cards are:

  • The Death
  • The Temperance
  • The Devil
  • The Tower
  • The Star
  • The Moon
  • The Sun
  • The Judgment
  • The World
  • The Fool
  • The Magician
  • The High Priestess

Why are these pages missing? Is it a mistake, a coincidence, or a deliberate act? Some people believe that there is a hidden message behind this omission, a secret code that reveals something about the nature of the Egyptian Tarot and its secrets. Others think that it is a way to protect the sacred knowledge from falling into the wrong hands, or to test the intuition and creativity of the reader.

Whatever the reason, the missing pages pose a challenge for anyone who wants to learn and practice the Egyptian Tarot. How can you understand and use these cards without having their full explanation? How can you fill in the gaps and complete the puzzle?

In this article, we will try to answer these questions and provide some possible solutions for the missing pages problem. We will explore different sources and methods that can help you discover and interpret the meaning of these cards, as well as some tips and tricks to enhance your reading skills.

How to Find Out More About the Missing Pages

There are several ways to find out more about the missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”. Here are some of them:

  • Look for other editions or versions of the book. Some editions may have different page numbers or layouts that include the missing pages. You can also check if there are translations or adaptations of the book in other languages that have all the pages.
  • Look for other books or sources that explain the Egyptian Tarot. There are many books, websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, and courses that offer information and guidance on how to read and use the Egyptian Tarot. You can compare and contrast their views and interpretations with those of Kier’s book.
  • Look for other decks or systems that are based on or inspired by the Egyptian Tarot. There are many variations and versions of the Egyptian Tarot that have different names, designs, images, symbols, and meanings. You can use these decks as references or alternatives to supplement your knowledge and understanding of Kier’s deck.
  • Use your own intuition and imagination. The Egyptian Tarot is a tool for personal growth and transformation that invites you to explore your inner world and connect with your higher self. You can use your own intuition and imagination to create your own meanings and stories for each card, based on your feelings, experiences, insights, and dreams.

How to Interpret the Missing Pages

Once you have found out more about the missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”, you can try to interpret them using different methods and techniques. Here are some of them:

  • Use numerology. Numerology is a system that assigns meanings and influences to numbers based on their properties and relationships. You can use numerology to analyze each card’s number and its significance in relation to other cards.
  • Use astrology. Astrology is a system that studies how celestial bodies affect human affairs and events based on their positions and movements. You can use astrology to associate each card with a planet, a sign, a house, or an aspect that corresponds to its energy and message.
  • Use symbolism. Symbolism is a system that uses images, objects, colors, shapes, sounds, or words to represent ideas or concepts that are not directly expressed. You can use symbolism to decode each card’s image and its elements such as figures, animals, plants, tools, etc.
  • Use storytelling. Storytelling is a system that uses narratives or stories to convey information or emotions in an engaging way. You can use storytelling to create your own stories for each card based on its characters, actions,

    How to Use the Missing Pages

    Now that you have learned and interpreted the missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”, you can use them in your readings and practices. Here are some tips and tricks to help you do that:

    • Shuffle and cut the deck. Before you start a reading, shuffle and cut the deck as you normally would. This will help you to randomize and energize the cards, as well as to focus your intention and question.
    • Choose a spread. A spread is a layout or pattern that determines how many cards you will draw and where you will place them. Each position in the spread has a specific meaning or question that relates to your topic or situation. You can choose a spread that suits your purpose and preference, or create your own.
    • Draw the cards. After you have chosen a spread, draw the cards from the top of the deck and place them face down on the positions indicated by the spread. Do not look at the cards until you have placed them all.
    • Reveal and interpret the cards. Turn over the cards one by one and interpret them according to their position, number, image, symbol, astrological association, numerological value, story, etc. Pay attention to how each card relates to the others and to your question or situation. Look for patterns, themes, messages, and insights that emerge from the reading.
    • Record and reflect on the reading. After you have finished the reading, record it in a journal or notebook. Write down the date, time, question, spread, cards, and interpretation. You can also draw or take a picture of the layout for future reference. Reflect on what you have learned from the reading and how you can apply it to your life.


    The Egyptian Tarot is a fascinating and powerful tool that can help you explore your past, present, and future. It can also help you connect with your inner wisdom and spiritual guidance. However, if you want to use the book by Kier as a source of information and instruction, you will encounter a problem: 12 pages are missing from the PDF file.

    This problem can be seen as a challenge or an opportunity. You can either give up on the book or try to find out more about the missing pages. You can either ignore or interpret these pages using different methods and techniques. You can either avoid or use these pages in your readings and practices.

    The choice is yours. Whatever you decide, remember that the Egyptian Tarot is not a fixed or rigid system. It is a living and evolving system that adapts to your needs and preferences. It is a system that invites you to discover your own meanings and stories for each card.

    So don’t be afraid of the missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”. They are not a flaw or a mistake. They are a gift and a mystery.

    How to Benefit from the Missing Pages

    The missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12” may seem like a drawback or a disadvantage, but they can actually be a source of benefit and advantage. Here are some ways that you can benefit from the missing pages:

    • They can stimulate your curiosity and interest. The missing pages can make you wonder and question why they are missing and what they contain. This can spark your curiosity and interest in the Egyptian Tarot and motivate you to learn more about it.
    • They can enhance your creativity and imagination. The missing pages can challenge you to fill in the blanks and create your own meanings and stories for the cards. This can enhance your creativity and imagination and help you develop your own style and voice.
    • They can improve your intuition and insight. The missing pages can encourage you to rely on your intuition and insight to interpret the cards. This can improve your intuition and insight and help you access your inner guidance and wisdom.
    • They can increase your confidence and trust. The missing pages can teach you to trust yourself and your abilities to read and use the cards. This can increase your confidence and trust and help you overcome your doubts and fears.
    • They can expand your knowledge and perspective. The missing pages can inspire you to seek out other sources and resources that explain the Egyptian Tarot. This can expand your knowledge and perspective and help you appreciate the diversity and richness of the system.

    How to Avoid the Missing Pages

    If you still feel uncomfortable or frustrated with the missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”, there are some ways that you can avoid them or minimize their impact. Here are some of them:

    • Use a different book or source. If you don’t like or trust Kier’s book, you can use a different book or source that explains the Egyptian Tarot in a more complete and satisfactory way. You can find many books, websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, and courses that offer information and guidance on how to read and use the Egyptian Tarot.
    • Use a different deck or system. If you don’t like or trust Kier’s deck, you can use a different deck or system that is based on or inspired by the Egyptian Tarot. You can find many variations and versions of the Egyptian Tarot that have different names, designs, images, symbols, and meanings. You can use these decks as references or alternatives to supplement or replace Kier’s deck.
    • Use a different format or medium. If you don’t like or trust the PDF file, you can use a different format or medium that contains all the pages of Kier’s book. You can look for a physical copy of the book in a library or bookstore, or order it online. You can also look for an ebook or an audiobook version of the book that has all the pages.
    • Use a different keyword or topic. If you don’t like or trust the keyword “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”, you can use a different keyword or topic that relates to the Egyptian Tarot. You can choose a keyword or topic that interests you more or suits your purpose better.


    The Egyptian Tarot is an ancient and mysterious system that can help you explore your past, present, and future. It can also help you connect with your inner wisdom and spiritual guidance. However, if you want to use the book by Kier as a source of information and instruction, you will encounter a problem: 12 pages are missing from the PDF file.

    This problem can be seen as an obstacle or an opportunity. You can either let it stop you or let it inspire you. You can either complain about it or learn from it. You can either avoid it or benefit from it.

    The choice is yours. Whatever you decide, remember that the Egyptian Tarot is not a fixed or rigid system. It is a flexible and adaptable system that responds to your needs and preferences. It is a system that invites you to discover your own solutions and possibilities for each card.

    So don’t be afraid of the missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”. They are not a curse or a mistake. They are a blessing and an opportunity.


    The Egyptian Tarot is a powerful and fascinating tool that can help you explore your past, present, and future. It can also help you connect with your inner wisdom and spiritual guidance. However, if you want to use the book by Kier as a source of information and instruction, you will encounter a problem: 12 pages are missing from the PDF file.

    This problem can be seen as a challenge or an opportunity. You can either give up on the book or try to find out more about the missing pages. You can either ignore or interpret these pages using different methods and techniques. You can either avoid or use these pages in your readings and practices.

    The choice is yours. Whatever you decide, remember that the Egyptian Tarot is not a fixed or rigid system. It is a living and evolving system that adapts to your needs and preferences. It is a system that invites you to discover your own meanings and stories for each card.

    So don’t be afraid of the missing pages of “El Libro Del Tarot Egipto Kier Pdf 12”. They are not a flaw or a mistake. They are a gift and a mystery.



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