Sakura School Simulator Türkçe Apk 📣


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Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK: A Fun and Free Simulation Game for Android

Do you love simulation games that let you create your own story and adventure? Do you want to experience what it’s like to be a high school student in Japan? If you answered yes, then you should try Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK, a fun and free simulation game for Android devices. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this game, including what it is, how to download and install it, what are its benefits, and what are some tips and tricks to play it. Let’s get started!

What is Sakura School Simulator?

Sakura School Simulator is a simulation game developed by Garusoft Development Inc., a Japanese indie game studio. The game was released in 2018 and has been downloaded over 10 million times on Google Play Store. The game is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars by more than 300,000 users.

A game that lets you experience life as a high school student in Sakura Town

In Sakura School Simulator, you can create your own character and choose your name, gender, appearance, clothes, accessories, and more. You can then explore the open world of Sakura Town, a fictional Japanese town that has various locations such as schools, shops, restaurants, parks, temples, and more. You can also interact with other characters in the game, such as teachers, classmates, friends, enemies, lovers, rivals, and even animals. You can talk to them, fight with them, date them, marry them, or even have children with them. The game has no specific goals or endings, so you can create your own story and adventure.

A game that has many features and options to customize your character and gameplay

Sakura School Simulator has many features and options that allow you to customize your character and gameplay. For example, you can change your clothes anytime you want, from uniforms to casual outfits to costumes. You can also change your hairstyle, eye color, skin tone, facial expression, and more. You can also use various items and weapons in the game, such as bikes, cars, guns, swords, hammers, umbrellas, fireworks, etc. You can also adjust the settings of the game, such as the time of day, the weather, the sound effects, the camera angle, etc.

A game that is free to download and play, but has optional in-app purchases

Sakura School Simulator is free to download and play on Android devices. You don’t need an internet connection or a registration to play it. However, the game has optional in-app purchases that allow you to buy coins or remove ads. Coins are used to unlock some items and features in the game. Ads are shown when you start or end the game or when you use some items or features. You can choose whether to buy coins or remove ads or not according to your preference.

How to download and install Sakura School Simulator Tür

How to download and install Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK?

If you want to play Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK, you need to download and install the APK file on your Android device. An APK file is a package file that contains the installation files of an Android app. However, you cannot find the APK file of Sakura School Simulator Türkçe on Google Play Store, because it is a modified version of the original game that has Turkish language support. Therefore, you need to download it from a trusted third-party source, such as [APKPure] or [APKCombo]. Here are the steps to download and install Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK:

The steps to download the APK file from a trusted source

First, you need to find a reliable website that offers the APK file of Sakura School Simulator Türkçe. You can use the links we provided above or search for other sources on the internet. Make sure that the website is safe and secure, and that the APK file is updated and compatible with your device. Once you find the website, follow these steps:

  1. Open the website on your browser and look for the download button or link.
  2. Tap on the download button or link and wait for the APK file to be downloaded on your device.
  3. Check the download progress on your notification bar or your download folder.

The steps to enable unknown sources on your device settings

Before you can install the APK file, you need to enable unknown sources on your device settings. This is because Android devices normally block the installation of apps from sources other than Google Play Store, for security reasons. However, you can change this setting by following these steps:

  1. Go to your device settings and look for the security or privacy option.
  2. Tap on the security or privacy option and scroll down to find the unknown sources option.
  3. Toggle on the unknown sources option and confirm your choice.

The steps to install the APK file and launch the game

After you enable unknown sources, you can proceed to install the APK file and launch the game. Here are the steps:

  1. Locate the APK file on your device, either on your notification bar or your download folder.
  2. Tap on the APK file and follow the instructions on the screen to install it.
  3. Wait for the installation process to finish and look for the game icon on your home screen or app drawer.
  4. Tap on the game icon and enjoy playing Sakura School Simulator Türkçe!

What are the benefits of playing Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK?

Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK has many benefits that make it worth playing. Here are some of them:

You can enjoy the game in Turkish language, which is not available in the official version

If you are a Turkish speaker or learner, you will appreciate playing Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK, because it has Turkish language support. This means that you can read and understand all the texts and dialogues in the game in Turkish, which is not possible in the official version. This will make your gameplay more enjoyable and immersive, as well as help you learn new words and phrases in Turkish.

You can access all the features and content of the game without any restrictions or ads

Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK is a modified version of the original game that has all the features and content unlocked and available for free. This means that you can use all the items and weapons in the game without any restrictions or ads. You can also enjoy all the content of the game, such as the locations, the characters, the missions, the quests, and more. You don’t have to worry about spending money or watching ads to play the game.

You can have fun and learn new things about Japanese culture and school life

Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK is a game that simulates the life of a high school student in Japan. You can have fun and learn new things about Japanese culture and school life, such as the customs, the traditions, the festivals, the food, the etiquette, the rules, and more. You can also experience different scenarios and events that may happen in a Japanese school, such as clubs, exams, sports, fights, romance, drama, and more. You can also explore the beautiful and realistic 3D graphics of Sakura Town and admire its landmarks and scenery.

What are some tips and tricks to play Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK?

If you want to play Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK better and easier, you can follow some tips and tricks that we will share with you. Here are some of them:

How to use the controls and menus of the game

The game has simple and intuitive controls and menus that you can use to play. On the left side of the screen, you can find the joystick that lets you move your character. On the right side of the screen, you can find the buttons that let you perform actions such as jumping, running, crouching, attacking, interacting, etc. You can also swipe on the screen to change the camera angle. On the top left corner of the screen, you can find the menu button that lets you access various options such as settings, items, clothes, missions, quests, etc.

How to interact with other characters and objects in the game world

The game has many characters and objects that you can interact with in the game world. You can talk to them, fight with them, date them, marry them, or even have children with them. You can also use items and weapons to interact with them. To interact with a character or an object, you need to tap on it and choose an option from the pop-up menu. For example, you can choose to talk, hug, kiss, punch, shoot, etc. You can also use gestures and expressions to communicate with them.

How to complete missions and quests and earn rewards

The game has many missions and quests that you can complete to earn rewards such as coins, items, clothes, etc. Missions are tasks that are given by specific characters in the game world. Quests are tasks that are given by random characters in the game world. To complete a mission or a quest, you need to follow the instructions on the screen and do what is required. For example, you may need to deliver something, find something, defeat someone, etc. You can check your progress on the mission or quest menu.


Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK is a fun and free simulation game for Android devices that lets you experience life as a high school student in Sakura Town. You can create your own character and story and explore the open world of Sakura Town. You can also enjoy the game in Turkish language and access all its features and content without any restrictions or ads. You can also have fun and learn new things about Japanese culture and school life. If you want to play this game, you can download and install it by following our guide above. We hope you enjoy playing Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK:

  1. Is Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK safe to download and install?
  2. Yes, Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK is safe to download and install if you get it from a trusted source such as [APKPure] or [APKCombo]. However, you should always be careful when downloading and installing any APK file from unknown sources, as they may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or steal your data. You should also scan the APK file with an antivirus app before installing it.

  3. Can I play Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK on PC?
  4. Yes, you can play Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK on PC by using an Android emulator. An Android emulator is a software that allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Some of the popular Android emulators are [BlueStacks], [NoxPlayer], [LDPlayer], etc. You can download and install any of these emulators on your PC and then follow the same steps as above to download and install Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK on the emulator.

  5. Can I play Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK with my friends?
  6. Yes, you can play Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK with your friends by using the multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode allows you to connect with other players online and chat, fight, date, or cooperate with them. You can also create your own room and invite your friends to join you. To use the multiplayer mode, you need to have an internet connection and a Google account. You can access the multiplayer mode by tapping on the multiplayer button on the top right corner of the screen.

  7. How can I update Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK?
  8. To update Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK, you need to download and install the latest version of the APK file from the same source that you got it from. You can check for updates by visiting the website regularly or by subscribing to their notifications. You can also backup your game data before updating to avoid losing your progress.

  9. How can I contact the developer of Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK?
  10. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions about Sakura School Simulator Türkçe APK, you can contact the developer by sending an email to or by visiting their official website at You can also follow them on their social media accounts such as [Facebook], [Twitter], [Instagram], etc.


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