Bepinex Download EXCLUSIVE Trombone Champ 👉


How to Download and Install BepInEx for Trombone Champ

If you are a fan of Trombone Champ, the world’s first trombone-based rhythm music game, you might be interested in adding some custom songs, mods, and backgrounds to enhance your experience. To do that, you will need a plugin loader that can inject custom code into the game. One of the most popular and versatile plugin loaders for Unity games is BepInEx. In this article, we will show you how to download and install BepInEx for Trombone Champ, as well as how to use it to install plugins for the game.

What is BepInEx?

BepInEx is a general purpose modding framework for Unity modding. It allows you to load custom code (hereafter plugins) into the game on launch, and also provides tools and libraries to patch the game’s assemblies and memory in runtime. This means that you can modify the game’s behavior and appearance without changing the original game files, which makes it easier to update the game and avoid conflicts with other mods.

BepInEx features

Some of the features that BepInEx offers are:

  • A simple and user-friendly plugin system that supports loading plugins from DLL files, ZIP files, or folders.
  • A powerful patching system that supports HarmonyX, MonoMod, and Il2CppUnhollower patches.
  • A logging system that allows plugins to write messages to a console or a file.
  • A configuration system that allows plugins to create and manage config files.
  • A dependency system that allows plugins to specify their dependencies on other plugins or assemblies.
  • A metadata system that allows plugins to provide information about themselves, such as name, version, author, etc.
  • A chainloader system that allows plugins to load other plugins or assemblies.
  • A compatibility system that allows plugins to check the game’s version and platform.
  • An API system that allows plugins to expose their functionality to other plugins.
  • A resource system that allows plugins to load embedded resources or external files.

BepInEx compatibility

BepInEx supports Unity games running on Mono, Il2Cpp, .NET Framework, or .NET Core. It supports Unity versions from 3.x all the way up to 2020.x, and most up to 2021.x. It also supports both Windows and Linux platforms, as well as Wine compatibility for Unix games.

What is Trombone Champ?

Trombone Champ is a rhythm game by indie developer Holy Wow Studios, released on September 15, 2022. As its title implies, it aims to represent playing the trombone, parodying instrument-based games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Unlike those games, however, no special controller is required; a mouse and keyboard is the recommended way to play.

Trombone Champ gameplay

In Trombone Champ, you can freely play any note at any time by moving your mouse forward and backward to change the pitch, and pressing the left mouse button to blow. The game features a variety of songs from different genres and eras, ranging from classical to metal, and from the 18th century to the 21st century. Each song has three difficulty levels: easy, medium, and hard. The game also has a free play mode, where you can play any note you want without any score or time limit.

Trombone Champ modding

One of the most appealing aspects of Trombone Champ is its modding support. The game allows you to add your own custom songs and backgrounds, as well as tweak the game’s settings and appearance. To do that, you will need a plugin loader that can load custom code into the game. This is where BepInEx comes in handy.

How to download BepInEx for Trombone Champ

In order to use BepInEx with Trombone Champ, you will need to download the latest version of BepInEx for Unity Mono games from GitHub. You will also need to locate the Trombone Champ folder on your computer, which is usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Trombone Champ or ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Trombone Champ depending on your platform. Here are the steps to download and install BepInEx for Trombone Champ:

Step 1: Download BepInEx from GitHub

Go to the BepInEx releases page on GitHub and download the latest version of BepInEx for Unity Mono games. The file name should look something like Save the file to your computer and extract it using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip.

Step 2: Extract BepInEx files to Trombone Champ folder

Open the extracted folder and copy all the files and folders inside it to your Trombone Champ folder. You should see a new folder called BepInEx inside your Trombone Champ folder, as well as a new file called winhttp.dll.

Step 3: Run Trombone Champ once to install BepInEx

Launch Trombone Champ from Steam or from the executable file in the Trombone Champ folder. You should see a console window pop up briefly before the game starts. This means that BepInEx is installed and working. You can close the game after it loads.

How to install plugins for Trombone Champ using BepInEx

Now that you have BepInEx installed, you can start adding plugins to enhance your Trombone Champ experience. Plugins are custom code that modify or add features to the game. There are many plugins available for Trombone Champ, but one of the most essential ones is TrombLoader. TrombLoader is a plugin that allows you to load custom songs and backgrounds into the game. Here are the steps to install TrombLoader and use it to add custom content:

Step 1: Download TrombLoader plugin from GitHub

Go to the TrombLoader releases page on GitHub and download the latest version of TrombLoader. The file name should look something like Save the file to your computer and extract it using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip.

Step 2: Copy TrombLoader.dll to BepInEx/plugins folder

Open the extracted folder and copy the file TrombLoader.dll to your BepInEx/plugins folder inside your Trombone Champ folder. This will install TrombLoader as a plugin for BepInEx.

Step 3: Download custom songs and backgrounds from Steam or other sources

The next step is to find some custom songs and backgrounds that you want to play in Trombone Champ. There are many sources where you can find them, but one of the easiest ones is Steam Workshop. To access Steam Workshop, go to your Steam library, right-click on Trombone Champ, select Properties, then go to the Workshop tab. There you can browse, subscribe, and download custom songs and backgrounds created by other players.

You can also find custom songs and backgrounds on other websites or forums dedicated to Trombone Champ modding. For example, you can check out the Trombone Champ Discord server or the Trombone Champ subreddit for more custom content. Just make sure that the files you download are compatible with TrombLoader and BepInEx.

Step 4: Extract custom songs and backgrounds to Trombone Champ/CustomSongs and Trombone Champ/CustomBackgrounds folders respectively

Once you have downloaded some custom songs and backgrounds, you need to extract them to the appropriate folders inside your Trombone Champ folder. Custom songs should go to the Trombone Champ/CustomSongs folder, and custom backgrounds should go to the Trombone Champ/CustomBackgrounds folder. If these folders do not exist, you can create them manually.

Each custom song should have its own subfolder inside the CustomSongs folder, with a name that matches the song title. Inside each subfolder, there should be three files: a .ogg file for the audio, a .json file for the notes, and a .png file for the cover art. For example, if you have a custom song called “Trombone Hero”, you should have a folder structure like this:

Trombone Champ └── CustomSongs     └── Trombone Hero         β”œβ”€β”€ Trombone Hero.ogg         β”œβ”€β”€ Trombone Hero.json         └── Trombone Hero.png 

Each custom background should have its own subfolder inside the CustomBackgrounds folder, with a name that matches the background title. Inside each subfolder, there should be one or more .png files for the background images. For example, if you have a custom background called “Space”, you should have a folder structure like this:

Trombone Champ └── CustomBackgrounds     └── Space         β”œβ”€β”€ Space1.png         β”œβ”€β”€ Space2.png         └── Space3.png 


Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed BepInEx for Trombone Champ, and learned how to use it to install plugins and add custom songs and backgrounds to the game. Now you can enjoy playing Trombone Champ with more variety and customization options. Have fun!


  • Q: How do I play custom songs in Trombone Champ?
  • A: To play custom songs in Trombone Champ, you need to select the “Custom Songs” option in the main menu. There you can browse and select any custom song that you have installed in your CustomSongs folder.
  • Q: How do I change the background in Trombone Champ?
  • A: To change the background in Trombone Champ, you need to select the “Settings” option in the main menu. There you can choose any custom background that you have installed in your CustomBackgrounds folder.
  • Q: How do I update BepInEx or TrombLoader?
  • A: To update BepInEx or TrombLoader, you need to download the latest version from GitHub and replace the old files with the new ones in your BepInEx or BepInEx/plugins folder respectively.
  • Q: How do I uninstall BepInEx or TrombLoader?
  • A: To uninstall BepInEx or TrombLoader, you need to delete the BepInEx or BepInEx/plugins folder from your Trombone Champ folder respectively.
  • Q: Where can I find more plugins for Trombone Champ?
  • A: You can find more plugins for Trombone Champ on GitHub, Steam Workshop, Discord, Reddit, or other websites or forums dedicated to Trombone Champ modding.


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