Goose Goose Duck No Download 2021 💭

Goose Goose Duck: A Fun and Free Online Game

Have you ever wanted to be a goose or a duck in a spaceship, a mansion, or a jungle temple? Have you ever wanted to work together with your friends to complete tasks or secretly betray them as an impostor? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to try Goose Goose Duck, a fun and free online game that will keep you entertained for hours.

What is Goose Goose Duck?

A social deduction game with geese and ducks

Goose Goose Duck is a social deduction game that is inspired by the popular game Among Us. The game involves two teams: the crewmates (geese) and the impostors (ducks). The crewmates have to work together to complete tasks around the map, while the impostors have to kill them or sabotage their mission. The game can have up to 16 players in a lobby, and each round can last from 5 to 15 minutes.

How to play Goose Goose Duck?

Choose your role and map

Before you start playing, you can choose your role and map. You can either join a public lobby or create a private one with your friends. You can also customize your goose with hats, shirts, pets, farts, and craftable cosmetics. There are 9+ maps to choose from, including S.S. Mothergoose, Mallard Manor, Jungle Temple, The Basement, and Ancient Sands. Each map has different tasks and features that make the game more challenging and fun.

Complete your tasks or sabotage the crew

Once the game starts, you will be assigned either as a crewmate or an impostor. If you are a crewmate, your goal is to complete your tasks around the map or vote out the impostors. You can see your tasks on the top left corner of your screen, and they can range from fixing wires to scanning fossils. If you are an impostor, your goal is to kill enough crewmates or prevent them from completing their tasks. You can use vents, fake tasks, or sabotage systems to deceive and distract the crew.

Communicate with other players using voice chat

The game also features voice chat in public and private lobbies. You can use voice chat to communicate with other players during meetings or emergencies. You can also use voice chat to accuse, defend, lie, or cooperate with other players. Voice chat adds another layer of interaction and immersion to the game, making it more fun and engaging.

Why play Goose Goose Duck?

It’s free and easy to access

One of the best things about Goose Goose Duck is that it’s free to play. You don’t have to pay anything to enjoy this game. You can also access it easily on different devices, such as Windows PC, Mac OS, Android, iOS, or web browser. You don’t need a high-end device or a fast internet connection to play this game.

It’s customizable and diverse

Another great thing about Goose Goose Duck is that it’s customizable and diverse. You can customize your goose with various cosmetics that you can buy or craft in the game. You can also choose from different game modes and sub-roles that add more variety and complexity to the game. For example, you can play Classic mode, where there are only crewmates and impostors; Draft mode, where you can pick your role; Trick or Treat mode, where there are candies and ghosts; Dine & Dash mode, where you have to eat and run; or Hide & Seek mode, where you have to hide or seek. You can also play with different sub-roles, such as the Mechanic, the Medic, the Sheriff, the Dodo, the Cannibal, or the Morphling. These sub-roles have special abilities and objectives that make the game more interesting and dynamic.

It’s fun and engaging

The most important thing about Goose Goose Duck is that it’s fun and engaging. You can play this game with your friends or with strangers online. You can have a lot of laughs, surprises, and suspense as you try to figure out who is the impostor or who is telling the truth. You can also make new friends and join a friendly and active community of players. The game is constantly updated with new content and features, so you will never get bored of playing it.

How to download Goose Goose Duck?

Download options for different devices

If you want to download Goose Goose Duck, you have several options depending on your device. If you have a Windows PC or a Mac OS, you can download the game from Steam for free. If you have an Android or an iOS device, you can download the game from Google Play or App Store for free. The game is compatible with most devices and operating systems, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues.

No download option for web browser

If you don’t want to download Goose Goose Duck, you can also play it on your web browser without downloading anything. You just need to go to the official website of the game and click on “Play Now”. You will be redirected to a web version of the game that runs on HTML5. You can join or create a lobby and start playing right away. The web version of the game has all the features and content of the downloaded version, so you won’t miss anything.


Goose Goose Duck is a fun and free online game that you should try if you like social deduction games. You can play as a goose or a duck in different maps and modes, and use voice chat to communicate with other players. You can also customize your goose with various cosmetics and sub-roles that make the game more diverse and complex. You can download the game for free on different devices or play it on your web browser without downloading anything. Goose Goose Duck is a game that will keep you entertained and engaged for hours.


  • Q: How many players can play in one lobby?
  • A: The game can have up to 16 players in one lobby.
  • Q: How many impostors can there be in one game?
  • A: The game can have up to 4 impostors in one game.
  • Q: How do I report a bug or a hacker?
  • A: You can report a bug or a hacker by filling out a form on the official Discord server of the game.
  • Q: How do I get more coins or gems?
  • A: You can get more coins or gems by playing the game, watching ads, completing achievements, or buying them with real money.
  • Q: How do I craft cosmetics?
  • A: You can craft cosmetics by using materials that you can find in crates or buy with coins or gems.


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